Sabtu, 26 November 2016

Society and Culture District of CILACAP


Society and Culture District  of CILACAP

Cilacap is one of regencies in Central Java province with the largest area that is 6.9% of the area of ​​Central Java province. Once the extent of the region so as to have two phone code, namely 0282 and 0280. The northern side is bordered by Brebes district, in the southern Indian Ocean, Banyumas regency in the east and the West Java province in the west. Cilacap District is divided into 24 districts which are further divided over a number of villages and villages. Cilacap district capital is composed of Cilacap Cilacap districts of North, Central Cilacap, and South Cilacap.
Based on the geographical conditions cause Cilacap cultural diversity, especially its territory that are in the border area between Central Java and West Java. Reality suggests that some people in Cilacap district Sundanese language, especially in the districts bordering West Java, namely Dayeuhluhur, Wanareja, Majenang, Kedungreja, Patimuan, Cimanggu and reef heron. This is because according to historical background, Cilacap region of western formerly was part of the Sunda. Based on ancient manuscripts primer Bujangga Manik which recounts the journey of King Bujangga Manik (a Hindu priest Sunda visiting the holy places of Hinduism in Java and Bali in the early 16th century) that limits the Sunda kingdom in the east is the river Cipamali (now called with time Brebes) and river ciserayu (currently called serayu river) located in Central Java povinsi.
Beginning Ciacap city starts from the kingdom to become a city. Search history in the kingdom of Java begins from the time of the Hindu Mataram kingdom until the kingdom of Surakarta. At the end of the era of the Majapahit kingdom (1294-1476), the forerunner of Cilacap district area is divided into regions of the kingdom of Majapahit, Duke Pasir Luhur and the Kingdom pakuan pajajaran whose territory stretches from east to west. According to Husein Djayadiningrat, pakuan pajajaran Hindu kingdom after being attacked by Islamic job offerings and Cirebon fell in 1579, so that the eastern part of the kingdom pakuan pajajaran handed over to the Kingdom of Cirebon. Therefore the whole region forerunner of Cilacap district in the east of the kingdom under the rule of Islam and the west Pajang handed over to the Kingdom of Cirebon. Display royal replaced with Islamic Mataram kingdom established by Panembahan Senopati in the year 1587-1755, the forerunner of Cilacap areas originally under the rule of the Islamic Kingdom Pajang handed over to the kingdom of Mataram. In 1595 the kingdom of Mataram hold expansion to the District Galuh residing in the Kingdom of Cirebon. According to the diary of the Dutch Company in Fort Batavia, received a letter containing a translation of the Citarum road trip, north Karawang to Bagelen. The names were passed in the area forerunner of Cilacap is Dayeuhluhur and Limbangan.
In the Dutch colonial period, Cilacap is part of the district under the authority of the regents Banyumas Banyumas. However, because the area is too vast, the Dutch colonists decided that the area cilacap made a separate section that section Cilacap Cilacap with the capital city as the place to head keduduan European Bestuur Bestuur Resident Assistant and Head of the Native Rangga or Onder Regent. During the 9th resident Banyumas, Van de Moore proposed the Dutch East Indies government submitted to the Governor-General of the Indies that the proposed establishment of Cilacap according Colonial Minister meaningful two that plea Cilacap agreement on the establishment and organization of the indigenous both of them require the approval of the King of Holland. After receiving confidential letters Colonial Minister Government of the Dutch East Indies with Besluit Governor General among others set Onder Regentschap increased to Regentschap Cilacap (Cilacap).

Cilacap now developed into industrial centers at the center of economic growth, there is a large industry such as fuel refineries owned by Pertamina UP IV (the largest in Southeast Asia) as well as Portland cement plants (Holcim). Cilacap seems incomplete without mention reclaiming the island known as the island prison. This area since the Dutch era used to isolate prisoners with long term sentences. Nusakambangan now no longer only used for punishment, here are the tourism potential that can be developed. On the southeast coast of reclaiming the walls can still be found the old building that serves as a beacon of the sea and is known as Lighthouse Cimiring. For tourists who want to explore the history can enjoy the presence of Benteng Pendem, fortress known as Kusbatterij Op De Lantong Te Tjilatjap is a former defense headquarters of the Dutch East Indies Army.
Cilacap may be too broad to pin everything. In general, Cilacap divided into Javanese and Sundanese culture. The different cultures is certainly cause different patterns of society and this has its own uniqueness that ensued cultural blending of the two cultures. In terms of the economy too, is generally divided into two sectors growing southern area of ​​marine fisheries and the north-western part of developing the agricultural sector. One characteristic of the coastal community is a cultural tradition "sea alms" which has become a major agenda cilacap annual district.
Alms sea followed by thousands of local fishermen financed by Cilacap district budget and become one of the tourist attraction for domestic and foreign tourists. Sea alms held on Friday or Tuesday kliwon kliwon Muharram or rely Sura which crashed earlier in the month. As a cultural ritual, sea alms or less meaningful expression of gratitude for the gift of God fishermen through the abundance of revenues and earnings over the last year in order to get the fish in the sea to support his family. Expression of gratitude can be done through a variety of media, then in the context of this sea fisherman alms cilacap "melarung offerings" throw offerings to the sea in the form of buffalo heads and other uborampe promoted with a casket. The event starts from the official ceremony at the district hall, then march toward the turtle bay where the offerings will be increased into the boat and floated around the eastern side of the Bandung Karang Nusakambangan.

I included in the Cilacap region Sundanese Dayeuhluhur rather than districts. Sundanese traditions could I feel myself was so thick, even many who say the region should go into the West Java region. It can be seen where the mobility of the inhabitants are mainly into areas of the city of Banjar, West Java. For example in the trade sector, the public transactions of goods to the market in the town of Banjar, instead of the other districts that are in one district cilacap. Workforce in this region tend to look for jobs to cities in West Java such as Ciamis, Tasikmalaya, Bandung, etc.
The society still upholds the culture of mutual cooperation. Seen in many ways activity, implement community together as community service cleaning streets, repairing irrigation channels, building houses and so on. Mutual cooperation is also true in the case of livelihood in this case most of their farming profession. There is a term called "liuran", a working system in which the land owners (farmers) work together in one paddies belonging to farmers was then moved to pesawahan others belonging to other farmers so that they do not need to spend wages for workers because it has been replaced by the energy they use to help each other. The ambiance of harmony was so strong and it is that I feel comfortable staying there, in contrast to life in the city. I get a lot of inspiration from behaviors that society and it became a separate study for me to continue to understand all the cultures and customs prevailing there.
The myths are common in the area where I live. Cultural offerings which are common in the area of ​​Java can also be found here with another term "sasajen". The offerings are generally done according specific purposes. Suppose that when harvesting rice would do offerings are called "copy the", there are offerings are done when a person carrying out a celebration, and there are also offerings are conducted periodically in a given month. The offerings can be a meaningful expression of gratitude or petition to God salvation depends on the goal earlier. As an expression of gratitude for instance because human beings are born into this world through the intermediary of mother-father and so on so out of respect for those who already are in a different universe made offerings to expectations conveyed to their essence and barokahnya obtained for those who still live in the world. However, today the offerings made only by the elderly alone, and they realize that today's young generation will not be possible to do it in line with evolving modernization.
Arts culture no less interesting in the appeal of the arts in other areas. The art in this area is the Sundanese arts such as puppet show, dance ronggeng, calung Sundanese etc. Even in Cilacap district alone, each district has a distinctive art respectively as alms earth (cilacap middle), horse braid (Kawunganten), reog (maos and lacquer), the stamping dimples (Kesugihan), calung (Binangun), calung Sundanese (Dayeuhluhur ), baritan (Nusawungu), nyadran (Adipala), beans (Tract), ngelik (Cipari), tayub jaipong (Wanareja) and others.
In terms of cuisine, there are some foods that become typical cilacap district. Seafood made into a variety of foods such as salted fish, jambal bread, shredded tuna, chili tuna and other seafood species. While there are several culinary crops like breadfruit chips, crisps spinach, tempeh dages, curry rice cake, pancake cilacap etc.
Based on that, I can draw the conclusion that a society's culture influenced and closely associated with historical background, geographical conditions and the economy. The swift currents of modernization began displacing the cultural values ​​that exist and the next generation, it is our duty to preserve the cultural values ​​that are good. , ,

