Minggu, 21 November 2010


Siapa yang tak kenal tempe ? Jika sampai ada yang tidak tahu kita sebut saja ia dengan "kelewatan jaman". Ya..tempe memang makanan asli Indonesia. "Itu dulu.." begitu sekarang banyak orang bilang. Karena sekarang secara hak kepemilikan, tempe telah dipatenkan oleh Jepang. Namun biarlah, semua orang asli Indonesia juga tetap yakin kalau tuh tempe asalnya dari Indonesia ( cuma kedelainya saja yang bisa dari mana-mana he.he...).

Di kesempatan ini kita tidak akan membahas tentang siapa pemilik tempe, yang pasti semua orang itu berhak untuk makan tempe sepuasnya. Selama ini kita sering menjumpai rupa-rupa tempe, dari yang ukuran seKTP sampai seukuran buku tulis, dari yang berbahan dasar kedelai, kacang-kacangan sampai ampas kedelai ( tempe gembus ), dari yang berbungkus daun jati, pisang ataupun plastik.

Bagaimana ? Cukup anjang bukan ukuran tempenya.

Tetapi pernahkah ada yang melihat tempe dengan ukuran 1 meter atau bahkan lebih ? Jika kita berkunjung ke sebuah pasar kecamatan di wilayah barat Kabupaten Ngawi tepatnya Pasar Ngrambe, kita akan menjumpainya. Tempe disini pada umumnya berukuran "long size" bahkan "king size". Rata-rata pengerajinnya mencetak dalam ukuran panjang 1-2 meter dengan pembungkus menggunakan daun jati. Alasan pemilihan ukuran tempe ialah agar saat membawanya ke pasar tidak repot. "Kok gitu ???" Begini, jika dikemas satuan seukuran KTP, jumlahnya jadi banyak. Jadi repot untuk memasukkannya ke keranjang, mesti satu-satu. Nah..kalau dibuat dengan ukuran 1 meteran bisa gampang bawanya, bisa dipanggul, ke tenteng atau dikempit (dijepit) di kelek (ketiak)...(weeek....he.he..). Jika ingin yang ukuran kecil tinggal potong-potong saja. Bahkan kalau bosan nunggu pembeli, penjual bisa main pedang-pedangan memakai tempe..ha..ha..ha.

Lalu bagaimana jika pembeli ingin membelinya ? Gampang..pembeli pengen beli yang utuh atau seperlunya saja. Kalau beli utuh yang tinggal ditukar sama 1 lembar uang Rp.20000 ( ini menurut perhitungan penulis, sebab sepotong tempe ukuran 10 cm harganya Rp.2000...jadi penulis agak paranormal gitu...ha..ha..). Yang pasti dijamin rasanya lebih ajib dari pada buatan Jepang, soalnya pakai daun jati yang akan memberikan aroma dan rasa tempe yang sangat-sangat tempe.......monggo plesiran ke Ngrambe dan belanja tempenya dan rasakan kepanjangan tempenya...

Sabtu, 20 November 2010

Pati - ketemu sama Juwana

12 November 2010

Akhirnya saya kembali kepekerjaan ini
Pekerjaan yang menurut saya menyenangkan
dimana kita bekerja, dapat uang, mengenal orang lain, melihat kota lain, dan bertamasya

Pekerjaan ini adalah Survey guna penelitian

Tergabung dalam suatu lembaga, tentu saja dengan tidak sengaja. dibawa oleh seorang pacar teman saya. Saya masuk ke dalam dunia yang berbeda. Dunia orang lapangan. keras, santai, berjuang.

Pekerjaan ini sangat simple. wawancara dengan penduduk
Kali ini, dapat proyek ke daerah Pati.
Sebelumnya, saya pernah survey di daerah sukoharjo, wonogiri, dan semarang.
Karakteristik penduduknhya berbeda-beda satu daerah dengan daerah lainnhya

Sebagian warga Pati

Saya kebagian survey di daerah kota dan desa disalah satu kelurahan di kabupaten Pati. Saya belajar banyak dari proses pekerjaan saya ini.
Mengenal banyak orang, walau hanya sesaat.

Ternyata banyak sekali warga yang tidak bersekolah dulunya. Itu menyebabkan mereka kesulitan juga mencari penghidupan yang lebih layak. kesulitan mencari pekerjaan yang lebih layak.

- Penjual garam keliling

Salah satu warga yang saya wawancara malam itu adalah Pak X. Beliau adalah penjual garam. Dari rumahnya, pagi2 beliau berangkat ke arah Juwana untuk mengambil garam batangan (sekitar 10km dari rumahnya). Setelah itu, dia mengayuh sepedanya sekitar 30 km untuk menjual garamnya di Kudus. Tidak sampai disitu, di kudus, dia menjajakan garamnya berkeliling. mengayuh sepeda, dari satu desa ke desa lainnya.
Berapa penghasilannya satu hari?
25 ribu .... untuk 25-50 ribu, beliau mengayuh sepeda kurang lebih 100km sehari.
Saya penasaran bertanya, mengapa ia tidak menjual garamnya di Pati saja. Dia bilang, sudah banyak yang jual garam di daerah sini. banyak pesaing.

- Penjual tusuk sate

Salut untuk ibu ini. Seorang ibu tua pembuat tusuk sate. Berapalah hasil jerih payah dari jualan tusuk sate. satu hari, uangnya habis untuk makan satu keluarga. Ketika saya datang kerumah beliau dan melakukan wawancara, tiba-tiba Pak RT datang. Ternyata beliau sedang memutari rumah2 warga, guna mengumpulkan sumbangan untuk merapi. yaaaa ... ibu itupun menyerahkan selembar uang yang ada dikantongnya .. uang jatahnya hari ini, untuk merapi ....
Bahkan, bisa dibilang orang tidak punyapun, masi memiliki rasa kemanusiaan dan tenggangrasa yang begitu besar. Bagaimana dengan kita, yang hidup berkecukupan dan kelebihan tenaga?

Kebanyakan warga didaerah ini bekerja sebagai karyawan di PT Garuda food dan dua kelinci. Sebagian lainnya memilih untuk ke Jakarta dan kota-kota besar lainnya demi mendapatkan pekerjaan. Ada keluhan juga, dari salah satu warga. lulusan S1. Beliau susah sekali mendapatkan pekerjaan disini. minimnya perusahaan yang ada didaerah, menyebabkan mereka tidak bisa mencari pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan ijasahnya.


JUWANA. Selama ini yang saya tau, Juwana adalah nama merk bandeng terkenal yang dijual di kota semarang (yang selama ini saya dan keluarga saya sukai). Ternyata, saya baru tau,setelah tiba di kota ini. Juwana adalah nama daerah. Setelah pekerjaan saya selesai, saya dan seorang teman saya bertualang mencari tau. Bagaimana bentuk JUWANA.

Juwana .. kecamatan didaerah pelabuhan. Kami sempat mengunjungi pelabuhan tersebut. Yang saya lihat, banyak perahu2 besar nelayan, lengkap dengan lampu2 besar disekeliling kapal. Kapal-kapal terparkir rapi di pelabuhan. Saat itu, saya melihat beberapa kapal yang sedang ditarik oleh kapal kecil menuju pelabuhan. Kapal nelayan yang pulang menuju pelabuhannya. Disamping pelabuhan Terdapat beberapa bangunan, serupa dengan gudang besar. Didalamnya, banyak orang bekerja mengepak bandeng.

Ya .. Juwana memang terkenal sebagai produsen bandeng. Dipelabuhan, banyak orang bekerja mengemas bandeng ke dalam keranjang kecil, untuk didistribusikan ke daerah-daerah lain. Disekitar pelabuhan pun, kami melihat banyak tambak bandeng dimana-mana.

Salah satu keluarahan yang terkenal sebagai produsen bandeng adalah kelurahan dukutalit. Kelurahan ini terkenal sebagai produsen bandeng presto. Ketika kami kesana, berniat untuk melihat2, kami hanya menemukan UD yang kecil pembuat bandeng presto. Berbeda dengan bayangan saya. di bayangan saya, didaerah seperti juwana, pastilah banyak sekali warung2 dan restoran yang menyediakan bandeng presto (layaknya di daerah semarang. yang sederet, semua menyediakan bandeng). Ternyata disini sama sekali tidak ada. satu-satunya yang saya temukan, yang berjualan bandeng presto dan saya bisa membelinya untuk oleh2 adalah Toko X (lupa namanya). didepan alun2 juwana.

Keramaian Pati

3 hari diPati. Dihari pertama, saya sangat merasa kesulitan untuk berkuliner. Siang-siang dan mencari makan. ternyata sulit. Sepi sekali. Saya hampir2 berpikir, apa orang-orang semua masak dan ndak pernah beli lauk keluar ya?

Ternyata keadaan yang berbeda yang saya lihat di malam hari. Jumat malam, alun-alun kota Pati yang tadinya sepi, berubah menjadi ramai. berasa semua orang akhirnya keluar rumah dan menunjukan dirinya. Banyak pedagang berjualan apapun, bak pasar malam. ada juga beberapa mainan yang tersedia.
Menurut hasil tanya jawab dengan warga, ternyata ini terjadi setiap malam. sejak ganti bupati, warga diijinkan untuk berjualan di alun-alun setiap malam. inilah yang membuat kota Pati semakin semarak di malam hari.


Nasi Gandul

Nasi yang disajikan beralaskan daun pisang dan disiram dengan kuah dan daging (ada pilihan lainnya: jeroan, atau lidah sapi). Rata-rata harganya Rp 7.000. Makanan khas dari daerah Pati. Kenapa disebut nasi gandul? kata penjualnya, karena dulunya, nasi ini dijual dengan cara dipanggul

Soto ayam kemiri

Soto ayam yang terkenal didaerah ini adalah soto ayam kemiri. Soto ayam dengan penyajian kecil. disajikan seperti soto kudus. bermangkok kecil. berbeda dengan soto didaerah jogja yang bening, soto ini berkuah butek, namun enak. Harganya Rp 2.500 per mangkok. Kenapa disebut soto ayam kemiri? karena soto ini berasal dari daerah yang bernama kemiri (saya lupa, kemiri ini nama kecamatan atau kelurahan)

Inilah petualangan PAti saya :)

Heppy ending PATI (nasi gandul, bandeng juwana, pelabuhan juwana, pasar malem PATI every day, kerapu bakar, soto ayam kemiri, gudeg ceker, touring tengah malam) ;) -12 - 15 Nov 2010-

Kamis, 18 November 2010

I Wanna Fix You


When you try your best but you don't succeed

When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home
and ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

High up above or down below
when you're too in love to let it go
but If you never try you'll never know
Just what your worth

Lights will guide you home
and ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Tears streaming down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears streaming down your face and I

Tears streaming down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face and I

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

-Fix You- by Coldplay

Dedicated to people whose lives need to be fixed... and I.

Senin, 15 November 2010

November's Wishlist

With the same format as my October's Wishlist, here is a list of things that I wanna accomplish in November 2010:
  1. Have a more-than-average kind of grade for my Mid Term Test starting from November 12th to November 22nd. I know that I didn't study hard for my previous exams (Sales Management, Marketing, and Good Corporate Governance) and have a feeling that I won't study hard too for upcoming exams, but at least I do the test by myself, WITHOUT CHEATING or USING CHEAT-SHEET FROM LECTURERS!
  2. Have a great 20th birthday. It falls on this November 27th, and as I view the age (20) as a starting point of transformation from late teenagers to legal adult, I expect to have a nice birthday: Not a birthday with nasty surprises here and there (no flour, egg, water, and soy sauce allowed! Erk!), but more like a birthday where my precious people will surround me and wish me maturity and prosperity.
  3. Get a meaningful gift for my father. How I love this assertive man who always works hard to earn money for his family and gives me his unconditional, familial love. Yet, I can't reciprocate all his sacrifice since I have no personal income and still depend on him. Hopefully one nice surprise that I got in the end of October will help me pace one step closer in paying him back both in financial and emotional ways.
  4. Get more money in legal way. Again haha. People can argue that money isn't everything, but I think my life will be better off if I have more money: I can increase the quality of life, improve my knowledge (by buying books or entering a course, paid with the money), or even help other people needing it for various reasons.
  5. Win some competitions. Will enter a Business Plan Competition held by some universities this month along with Tia and Vita (another university mate), and we must win them all! Pray for us, pretty please? :)
  6. Get a part-time job concerning market research, project management, and community care! Have already prepared CV in both English and Bahasa to support this wish, and although my experiences and accomplishments are not extravagant enough, I do proud of them.
And that's the list, six points acting as a personal guidance to reach better future. Kindly remind me to work hard in order to achieve all of them, will you?

Wanted: TV Series about Business Life

Recently my friend posted this question in his Twitter account:

"Hey guys, could you please inform me if you know a business-themed TV Series? Wanna watch it."

And God, how I wanna watch it too. Badly.
Why? Because it's a great source for us to know the way people operates business in Europe and America. To understand their value and culture to later compare it with our own.

And because I want to work abroad and, in the same time, take a postgraduate education (MBA) from one of these universities: Harvard University, or MIT. FOR FREE. Hard to reach? Yes. Impossible? No. I believe nothing is impossible in this world as long as we have strong, clear vision with effective and efficient perseverance.

Here is some of the business-themed TV Series that I've already known (and watch, for a season or two): The Apprentice (but it's more like a reality show than TV Series), Leverage (let us know various financial vocabularies, though the focus is more into fraud than the business itself), and The Office (tells us about cinematography world, how directors must compete against each other to maintain their position and market share. At first glance, it's quite educational, but God, the rest is PORN).

And yeah, my tiny brain only recognize those three. Do you know other TV Series beside the ones that I've mentioned above? Do tell me :)

Minggu, 14 November 2010

soal quiz 1

QUIZ 1 SMT 3 UKT tanggal 15/11/2010
Indicate if the sentence is correct or incorrect.

1. Other important crops include coffee, fruit and vegetables.
2. During the second oil crisis turned to the existential narrative.
3. The landlord has risen the rent.
4. I have lain your note book on the table by the door so that you won’t
forget it.
5. After the exam, the class starts their research on backpackers.
6. If water freezes, it has become a solid.
7. If she ate fewer sweets, she would lose weight.
8. We will wait if you want to go.
9. Blood and chocolate is a romantic werewolf novel for young adult readers.
10. Every morning the football team follows its coach running across the hill.

Read carefully the summary and then write 4 (four) conditional type 3 sentences based on the information in the summary!

Baron and Cinta were dating, but break up over a difference of opinion regarding her domineering father. Meanwhile, Claudia’s newly famous movie star husband divorce her. She returns to Tenggarong and begins to work for Baron. An attraction begins to develop between them, which they both deny. Baron is surprised when Cinta announces only weeks after their break up that she is engaged to Alex.

Indicate if the sentence is correct or incorrect.
1. Other important crops include coffee, fruit and vegetables. true
2. During the second oil crisis turned to the existential narrative. false
3. The landlord has risen the rent. f
4. I have lain your note book on the table by the door so that you won’t forget it. f
5. After the exam, the class starts their research on backpackers. F
6. If water freezes, it has become a solid. f
7. If she ate fewer sweets, she would lose weight. t
8. We will wait if you want to go. t
9. Blood and chocolate is a romantic werewolf novel for young adult readers. T
10. Every morning the football team follows its coach running across the hill. t

Read carefully the summary and then write 4 (four) conditional sentences based on the information in the summary!
Baron and Cinta were dating, but break up over a difference of opinion regarding her domineering father. Meanwhile, wati’s newly famous movie star husband divorce her. She returns to Tenggarong and begins to work for Baron. An attraction begins to develop between them, which they both deny. Baron is surprised when Cinta announces only weeks after their break up that she is engaged to Alex.

jawaban conditional type 3


1. I didn’t enjoy the party, so I left early.
~ If I had enjoyed the party, I would not have left early.

2. The man got an accident because he drove carelessly.
~ The man would not have got an accident, if he had not driven carelessly.
~ if the man had not driven carelessly, he would not have got an accident.

3. The huge hotel didn’t burn down because the fire brigade came immediately.
~ The huge hotel would have burned down, if the fire brigade had not come
~ if the fire brigade had not come immediately, the huge hotel would have burned

4. They came late so they missed the first train.
~ if they had not come late, they would not have missed the first train.

5. Your father understood all the problems because I spoke to him.
~ your father would not have understood all the problems, if I had not spoken to
~ if I had not spoken to your father, he would not have understood all the

6. She didn’t pass the exam because she didn’t study well.
~ she could have passed the exam, if she had studied well.
~ if she had studied well, she could have passed the exam.

7. John wake up late because he worked hard until midnight.
~ John would not have woken up late, if he had not worked hard until midnight.
~ if john had not worked hard until midnight, he would not have waken up late.

Senin, 01 November 2010

Pesta Blogger+ 2016:

The Stand Community LOs Team

On October 30th, I was volunteering in Pesta Blogger+ 2010 held at The Oval Epicentrum Walk along with my best friend, (Tia); my university mate, Brian Ardianto; and other volunteers coming from different areas and backgrounds. There we had a responsibility to act accordingly with our job description: the Stand Community LOs, the minutests, the Stage 'Managers', the Informants, the Traffic 'Managers', or the Zero Waste campaigners. I myself had gotten the position of a Stand Community LO with eight others:

Tia, my best friend (as always, we're inseparable :D)

Rara, a junior from Binus University

Riza (left), sorry for not taking your self-portrait!

Dwi, a lecturer from Gunadarma University

Nony, a young lecturer (I'm not joking) from Gunadarma University

Arisyi, a senior from Gunadarma University

Andhika, also a senior from Gunadarma University

And Jemiro, the sophomore from Gunadarma University too.

Actually there's still one more, Mima, but due to some tests and bad weather she couldn't come even for an hour. That's okay though, because other LOs had been prepared to face such situation. The fact that we had already known each other a day before the even helps too :)

As we're narcissistic people, and to better acquaint ourselves with each other, after the event had ended, we held a 'get together' photo session in the main lobby of Epiwalk. Here is a picture of us, minus Riza and Rara who had left earlier to finish some personal matters:

Back Row (from left to right):
Arisyi, Nony, Andhika, Mbak Rara (the Head of Committee), Dwi, Jemiro, Mbak Endhoot (LOs' Coordinators), Tia, Me, and... someone whose name I don't know yet (sorry!!!)
Front Row:
Again, someone whose name I have no recognition of, and Mbak Sinta Setiawan (100% woman, but everybody calls him Mas Setiawan or Masset :))

Glad and proud to be the part of your team, Pesta Blogger+ 2010 Committee!! :)


I can't believe that...

I won the 1st place of XL Writing Contest.

The moment alone has become one of the most precious fragments of my life, due to the unbelievably amount of sheer happiness I felt at that time.

And guess what? I got what I desire most.

A BlackBerry!!

Got Blackberry Curve 8520 (Gemini)

and a nice amount of money!!!

Ignore my ugly and oily face; kinda tired after volunteering for 12 hours

Do you keep in track of my October's wishlist? Do you? Do you notice what I've written on point 2 and 5?? They've been realized, they've become true!

I can get what I want without paying for anything, and in the right month too!

All gratitude is presented to Allah (as nothing is impossible for You), XL and Pesta Blogger+ 2010 (for holding it), and the last but not least, my best friend, Istiarina Putri, who had kindly given me the information about this competition. Remind me to treat you, dear :)

This achievement has driven me to explore deeper into blogging world. Hope I'll receive the same achievement (better more) on next month or next year!

Additional Notes:
At first I was very skeptical with this winning, seeing that some other posts are quite good, and even better in my personal opinion! Some of them even use touchy diction to better capture the hearts of the judges and the readers. Me? I use scientific facts to support the general statement of my post, and mostly I use a businesslike words rather than touchy ones. In order to erase some confusions, can some of you who know please explain the assessment process of this competition? I think it's quite beneficial for future development of myself and others.

