Sabtu, 26 November 2016



Gambang Kromong

Gambang Kromong

Gambang Kromong
Art music is a mix of local music with Chinese art. It can be seen from the musical instruments used, such as the stringed instrument of China named kongahyan, Tehyan and Sukong. While Betawi musical instruments, among others; xylophone, kromong, kemor, manacle, kempul drum and gong. Art Gambang Kromong developed in the 18th century, particularly in the area of ​​Tangerang Area. Starting from a group of a group of music played by some native workers in the plantation owned by Nie Hu Kong in collaboration with two women overseas Chinese who had arrived to bring Tehyan and Kongahyan.Pada initially played songs are songs of China, on terms now classic songs of this kind is called Phobin. Songs Gambang Kromong local content is still strong classical elements can be heard through the song Jali-Jali Bunga Siantan, Cente Sweet, and Renggong great-grandfather. In the 70s Gambang Kromong had boosted its presence through the touch of creativity "Panjak" Betawi legendary "Si Macan Kemayoran", the late H. Benjamin Syueb bin Ji'ung. With a touch of the existing variety of musical genres, be Gambang Kromong as we hear now. Almost in every celebration or "kriya'an" in every village Betawi, Gambang Kromong included as a menu of the most important music yanh. Gambang Kromong known artists in addition to H. Benjamin Syueb is Nirin Gather, H. Jayadi and father Nya'at.

Betawi Mask Dance and Dance Lenggang Nyai

Mask Dance Betawi

Tari Topeng Betawi
Betawi dance long enough known to the public is a Betawi Mask Dance. In Betawi Mask Dance, you can see the three elements of art as well. Namely dance, theater and music. Musical accompaniment Betawi Mask Dance aplenty. Mask Betawi grow and develop on the outskirts of Jakarta. Typically held when there is a wedding, circumcision ceremony and pay vows. In Mask Betawi, the dancers wear masks and storytelling through art movement. Now the mask dance Betawi many dikreasikan. So the Betawi dance even more diverse.

Dance Lenggang Nyai

Tari Topeng Betawi
Mandy is Widiastuti that develops dances Nyai Lenggang this. Or known to the public as Lenggang Betawi dance. Mandy itself is not a native Betawi people, it is the people of Yogyakarta. But his love for the culture and the Betawi dance, making Wiwik create Lenggang Betawi dance creations. In this dance you can see there tanjidor elements and very thick mask dance. Betawi dances Nyai Lenggang tells the story of Nyai Dasima who managed to extricate himself from coercion. Dasima housekeeper was able to determine the direction and the choice of his life.

There are many other cultures that exist in Betawi. As the young generation we should be able to preserve the cultures that have been used since. Therefore began to cultivate a culture was from now that it must be preserved from extinction.

Japin and Dance Dance Cokek Betawi

In addition to the musical instrument xylophone  Betawi culture also has a variety of dances. Betawi dances have their own characteristics, namely sound jaunty musical accompaniment and dance movements are dynamic. Dances originating from Betawi are:

dance Japin
Tari Japin
Japin dance is actually the Zapin dance. Habits of betawi call Z with the letter J make this dance name automatically becomes Japin. This dance has spread everywhere. This dance gets a great influence on the culture Arab.Yang distinguish betawi Japin with Zapin dance in general is the accompanying music. Japin dance using music tracks betawi like psaltery. Zapin dance danced by skipping beating a small tambourine percussion. Hit him in unison with jerking movements. Seeing this Betawi dance gives a feel carefree. Japin Betawi dance usually in pairs between women and men.

Dance Cokek Betawi

Tari Cokek Betawi
Betawi dance this one brought by the financiers or the landlords of the Chinese Peranakan wealthy. They used to take care of cokek dancers and players Gambang Kromong. The dance is accompanied by music cokek Gambang Kromong and often featured in events held by Landlord. Therefore, dances and dance apparel Cokek Betawi somewhat similar to dances in China.
As time, landlords are willing to accommodate live dancers and Gambang Kromong cokek was reduced. As a result very few who want to preserve the Betawi dance this. Dance cokek somewhat similar to ngibing. The other is his trademark hip shake geal-Geol. Now cokek players and professional players Kromong Gambang, hard to find.


Betawi ethnic group made up of several ethnic groups joined in a region so as to form their own culture that Betawi culture. Betawi ethnic group originated from the mating-mawin ethnic and nation in the past. Biologically, those who claim to be descendants of the bloody Betawi is a mixture of various tribes and nations were brought by the Netherlands to Batavia. What is called the person or tribe Betawi actually calculates newcomers in Jakarta. This ethnic group born from the fusion of various other ethnic groups who were already living in Jakarta, such as the Sundanese, Javanese, Arabic, Bali, Sumbawa, Ambon, Malay and Chinese. With the growing diversity of ethnic Betawi, every ethnic usually affects every celebration of ethnic Betawi. As culture ignition firecrackers, Lenong, Cokek, until Betawi traditional wedding clothes were predominantly red, it's all been strongly influenced by the culture of the ethnic Arab Tionghoa.Kemudian greatly affect the stringed musical marawis musical colors and Tanjidor. Tanjidor itself is a cultural blend of European, Chinese, Malay and Arabic. While in the village famous cultural monument kroncong who came from Portugis.Salah the typical music of the most famous Betawi arts are Gambang Kromong, where at every opportunity about Betawi, Gambang Kromong always be the most important. Almost every news broadcast on television, Gambang Kromong always been a musical illustration.

and many other anrata Betawi culture:
- Lenong
- Ondel Ondel
- Dance Japin
- Dance Cokek Betawi
- Mask Dance betawi
- Dance Lenggang Nyai
- Gambang Kromong

martial of Bekasi
Beladiri Beksi
Since time immemorial, the Betawi people have always known and synonymous with martial arts and teachings. Reportedly, since the days of Dutch Company, teen Betawi always required to diligently worship and were able to keep ourselves by studying the martial art pencak silat. No wonder this martial art became one of the cultural property of the Betawi people.

On the ground Betawi, but many stores various kinds of martial arts, one silat Beksi. Martial arts, this one is a blend of martial art, beauty, and accuracy in reaching target opponent. Not only that, though not disregard the beauty of motion, strength strength can not be underestimated. Speed ​​and dynamism in motion is what can beat the opponent to the helpless and may be fatal.

In silat Beksi, if at focusing on the outside of the elbow or arm area characterizes blow this kind of martial arts. By leveraging the strength of the opponent, punch Beksi can lead to hurt your opponent and be fatal. This is a reliable whiz-whiz Betawi when dealing with his opponent.

One of the figures silat Betawi Beksi, Bang Endang SH admitted, the whole movement are summarized and organized dynamically makes Beksi as silat martial art that is different from other martial arts. From the beauty of this motion, silat Beksi widely used or exhibited in the procession locking the door at the wedding of Betawi traditional southern part.

At the moment there are 18 Beksi parried by 9 basic steps called formation. Meanwhile, the attraction which often involve silat Betawi Beksi is the Cross procession Doors and Welcomes meaning by using formations stance team and individual tactics. "Because kemantepan in motion pas made on locking the door so much lost interest," said Endang to, Saturday (1/5).

Furthermore Endang admitted, if Beksi martial arts have existed since the Dutch colonial era. This was evidenced by their use of this martial art since the 18th century martial type has inherited up to the great figures of martial Beksi, H Hasbullah, who opened the college Beksi in Kabayoranlama, South Jakarta.

Endang tells brought this Beksi silat originating from China brought by Lie Ceng OEK. In the Land of Betawi is then Lie Ceng OEK formed a martial arts school in the area Dadap, Tangerang. To preserve the martial arts Beksi, Lie Ceng OEK lowering ilmua to disciple named Ki Marhali and followed by H Ghazali. From there then lowered again to H science Hasbullah and the next generation.

In its development, silat Betawi Beksi grow in the outskirts of hicks or regions such as South Jakarta area Guest Houses, Kebayoranlama, Ciledug, and some areas in Tangerang. The combination of science Beksi brought Lie Ceng OEK with the movement created by elders Beksi Betawi, making this Beksi science as Betawi martial arts.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ondel Ondel
-Ondel is the result of Betawi culture in the form of a large doll whose height reaches approximately ± 2.5 m with a diameter of ± 80 cm, dolls made of woven bamboo, which is made to be borne from within by people who took him. The doll is used and played by people who took him. In the form of his face mask or a mask that is applied to the woven bamboo, with the head by the hair made from palm fiber. Face ondel-ondel men usually painted in red, while the woman painted with white color.
This type of show is suspected existed before the spread of Islam in Java and is also available in the area with similar performances. In Pasundan known as Badawang, in Central Java called Barongan Beans, while in Bali known as Barong Landung.
Beginning performances ondel-ondel serves as a repellent reinforcements of disorders that interfere spirits. But the longer this tradition turned into a very good thing for reassembly, and most of these events are now held at the welcoming ceremony honored guest, and to brighten people's parties as well as the inauguration of a new building was completed.
Besides, to enliven the parade in the past usually also toured, "ngamen". Especially on New Year's celebrations, both AD and Lunar. Goals in New Year celebrations AD Menteng area, which many people inhabited the main Kristen.Pendukung art ondel-ondel farmers who included "abangan", particularly those contained in the suburbs of Jakarta and surrounding areas.
The music that accompanies ondel-ondel not certain foreign tergantug from each group. There are accompanied tanjidor, such as group ondel-ondel pimpian Gejen, Setu village. There are accompanied by silat Betawi like entourage "Beringin Sakti" Duloh leader, sekarag leader Yasin, from Rawasari. Those that diirig Bende, "Kemes", Ningnong and Tambourine ketimpring, such as ondel-ondel rombogan Lamoh leadership, Kalideres. Betawi-ondel basically still survive and become trimmer in the face of metropolitan Jakarta.


Lenong as a spectacle, has been known since the 1920s. Word Muntaco deceased, famous Betawi artists, calling it a continuation of the process and the development of music Gambang teaterisasi Kromong. So, Lenong is Gambang Kromong strains were added element bodoran alias joke without a plot.

Later developed into plays contain a short jokes, which are arranged in unincorporated story. Then into the show all night, with a full length play, which is performed through the street singing around the village. After the Dutch colonial era, lenong promoted, as it begins to be shown on stage celebration. At the beginning of independence, the people of this pure theatrical spectacle stage
At that time, decor was still very simple, such as screen about 3 × 5 display meter mountains, fields, forests with large trees, houses of the village, the sea and the fishing boats as well as a palace hall with huge pillars. Equipment was the traditional lighting, in the form of Colen, a three-axis torch out of a tin kettles filled with kerosene. Before rising so petromaks.
Although it continues to adapt to the wants of the times, to continue to survive, lenong struggled. And this is not easy. 60' year's, still relying on the duration of the night-long performances and dramaturgical concept is very simple, lenong started oversized. "I think we like being on the edge of the abyss," said S.M Ardan, writers and filmmakers Betawi who is now active in Usmar Ismail Film Center, Kuningan, Jakarta.

Orkes Samrah and Tanjidor

Orkes Samrah
kesenian orkes samrah dari jakarta
art orchestra samrah of jakarta

Yangdalam Betawi art forms orchestra under the influence of the ethnic Malay. Songs that are usual in the normally bring songs that are old school (the past) like White Bird song, Pulo Yellow goose Two and betel. Orchestra Samrahh Tenabang many developing regions, where the area is known as the center of the spread of the Malay in Betawi. Samrah orchestra is also commonly used to accompany the songs sort Kicir Betawi-kicir, Jali-jali, Lenggang Kale and others. While the usual dance accompanied by the orchestra samrah called Dance Samrah. Typically, the dancers samrah danced in pairs with a variety of dance movements, one of which is influenced by the movement of silat. Figures in music samrah is Sabeni Ali, son of the legendary Champion Sabeni.

Kesenian Tanjidor
Art Tanjidor
Tanjidor is a Betawi art that shaped the orchestra. Art has been started since the 19th century. Musical instruments used are usually composed of a merger of musical instruments brass, strings and percussion instruments. This art is usually used to escort the bride or the parade area. But in general, this art is held in a place that will be attended by Betawi people widely like an orchestra. Art Tanjidor also found in West Kalimantan, while in South Kalimantan is already extinct.

Various art betawi

The nature mixed in dialect is a reflection of Betawi culture in general, which is the result of mating a wide variety of cultures, both originating from other areas in the archipelago and foreign cultures. In the field of art, for example, the Betawi people have Gambang Kromong art that comes from the art of Chinese music, but also there Tambourine rooted in the traditions of Arabic music, Keroncong Tugu against the background of the Portuguese-Arab, and Tanjidor backgrounds to Dutch's.

Biologically, those who claim to be descendants of the bloody Betawi is a mixture of various tribes and nations. They are the result of mating-mawin ethnic and nation in the past.

Various Betawi traditional art can flourish and loved by the public, not only Betawi people.

The Betawi arts, among others:

1. Lenong
2. Mask broker.
3. Mask Dance,
5. Dance Mask Ronggeng
6. and others

Sound art and the art of music is:

1. Sambrah,
2. Tambourine,
3. Gambang kromong,
4. Tanjidor and the like

wayangpun even there, wayang kulit uses language Betawi Betawi dialect.

