Senin, 21 November 2016


The University of Calgary Dinos confirmed that receiver Brandon MacIssac has signed a Canadian Interuniversity Sport Letter of Intent to attend the University of Calgary in September 2016.

The 6’3”, 195 lbs MacIssac was a starter on the Calgary and Alberta 4A Championship St. Francis Browns team this past fall. Brandon joins fellow St. Francis graduate, offensive lineman Peter Nicastro,  becoming the second member of the 2015 Browns to commit to the Dinos.

He is a product of the Hilltoppers having played Midget and Bantam for them and earned the Aaron Niedergesaess Memorial Award for displaying the heart of the champion and was also nominated to receive the Hilltoppers Midget Scholarship.

“Calgary is my hometown with my family. The University of Calgary is a great school and they have a good football program,” states MacIssac who will enrol in the Faculty of Sciences.

“Brandon is an aggressive blocker with good hands and has a large frame,” states University of Calgary offensive coordinator Ryan Sheahan.

Brandon is the son of Joe and Lori MacIssac of Calgary.

