Senin, 22 Februari 2016

Mengembalikan Mata Minus dan Plus Normal Kembali

Bukan rahasia lagi bahwa apabila otot-otot tubuh tidak dibiasakan bekerja pada waktu yang lama, maka akan kehilangan daya dan semakin tidak kuat. Sebagai contoh, jika seseorang terus menerus duduk di kursi roda, maka otot-otot dan pergelangan kakinya akan terus melemah bahkan kesulitan untuk berdiri maupun berjalan, apalagi berlari.

Begitu juga halnya dengan otot-otot di sekitar mata. Kalau anda memakai kacamata dan tidak pernah melatih mata anda, otomatis penglihatan anda akan melemah. Otot mata pun perlu olahraga, sebagaimana otot-otot pada bagian tubuh lain tubuh anda. Dalam proses pemulihan daya pandang, anda perlu mengikuti peraturan berikut ini:
  • Hindari tekanan pada mata atau membuatnya terlalu lelah, disarankan megistirahatkan mata setiap tiga jam selama beberapa menit dengan cara memejamkan mata.
  • Sangat diperlukan melakukan olahraga mata, seperti gambar di bawah ini, yang terdiri dari enambelas jenis latihan. Ikutilah arah panah secara teratur dan perlahan:

  • Enyahkan kacamata anda
  • Praktekkan latihan berikut ini setiap hari:
Tekan secara perlahan pada bola mata Anda dengan jari telunjuk dan jari tengah. Lakukan dengan lembut dan perlahan, jangan sampai merasa sakit. Kemudian tekan titik-titik yang ada di gambar ini dengan jari telunjuk Anda dua kali.

  • Sangat penting untuk memandang objek jarak jauh saat anda berada di luar ruangan, hal tersebut melatih mata anda. Yaitu melihat objek jarak jauh, kemudian jarak dekat. Latihan alami ini bisa menstabilkan kembali fungsi mata yang sering kelelahan.
  • Biasakanlah meminum jus wortel ditambahi beberapa tetes minyak zaitun secara rutin, vitamin A adalah asupan utama organ penglihatan anda.
  • Bilas mata Anda dengan air hangat dengan lembut dengan air dan handuk/kain bersih.
  • Hindari di depan laptop sedikitnya 2 jam menjelang tidur. Disamping itu anda bisa menurunkan kecerahan layar laptop anda untuk menghindari kontras yang mudah membuat mata lelah.
  • Praktekkan latiha Trataka dari India untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja mata anda. Yaitu menatap pada sebuah titik hitam atau lilin, fokus & rileks berlatih mengontrol kedip mata anda.
Pada tahap pertama latihan, Anda akan perlu fokus pada simbol atau beberapa objek dan menatap terus-menerus, memperhatikan setiap emosi dan setiap pikiran, melepaskan segala uneg-uneg lalu berkonsentrasilah pada simbol dengan membawa pikiran jernih.
Sumber : di sini

Cara Mudah Hilangkan Gigi Kuning Hanya 3 Menit!


Ini adalah cara terbaik yang bisa Anda olah sendiri di rumah.
Gigi putih bersinar adalah impian setiap wanita. Gigi yang berwarna dengan baik itu menandakan betapa resiknya seorang wanita dalam menjaga kesehatan dan kebersihan diri. Inilah yang akhirnya membuat berbagai produk kecantikan menawarkan cara memutihkan gigi yang baik.
Meski demikian, cara terbaik tetaplah dengan menggunakan cara alami yang bisa Anda olah sendiri di rumah. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan menggunakan campuran dua bahan sederhana: lemon dan baking soda.

Cara pengolahan
- Ambil sesendok baking soda, masukkan ke dalam mangkuk, dan haluskan.

- Peras lemon ke dalam mangkuk tersebut.
- Campur kedua bahan itu hingga berbentuk menjadi pasta.

- Oleskan ke sikat gigi Anda, ia sudah siap digunakan.

Tutorial videonya bisa dilihat disini.

Mudah bukan sobatt???

Sumber :

Rabu, 03 Februari 2016


Grounded in the importance of school environment as an important factor influencing teachers’ performance, this study explores Samtse Higher Secondary School teachers’ perception of the level of the eight dimensions of school environment-student support, affiliation, professional interest, staff freedom, participatory decision making, innovation, resource adequacy, work pressure.  A survey questionnaire, School Level Environment Questionnaire built on a five point scale was administered to 29 teachers in the school. The data obtained was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as means and standard deviations to indicate the levels of perception on the scale. The results revealed that out of the eight dimensions, teachers had average level of opinion towards student support, affiliation, professional interest, staff freedom, participatory decision making, innovation, low level of opinion towards resource adequacy and high level of opinion towards work pressure. The study found the need to improve all eight dimensions of the school environment. Recommendations were suggested to improve the school environment. The study was significant because feedback information based on teacher perceptions can be good basis for reflection upon, discussion of and systematic attempts to improve school environments.

KEY WORDS: School environment, Student support, Affiliation, Professional interest, Staff Freedom

Selasa, 02 Februari 2016

Negara ke 2: My First Time Backpacker - Malaysia! (2010)


When was the last time you did something for the first time? There is a first time for everything. 

The first time on plane
"This is a dream come true...i'm flying! Look at those clouds! :p

Nyata si iniii:p kegirangan bisa ada diatas awan. Mmm, when I went to Malaysia, it was the first time I'ld ever taken a plane. Semua ini gegara tiket promonya air asia dan bisikan travelling dari sahabat. Tiket yang dibeli bulan Desember 2009- 6 Bulan sebelum keberangkatan- ini mengambil rute berangkat dari Jogja ke Malaysia dan pulang dari Singapore ke Jogja dengan harga 0 Rupiah saja :p. 

My First Time Backpacker!

Adalah sebuah perjalanan dimana kita mengatur sendiri perjalanan kita. It's time to learn something new! Nining ... Sahabat jaman kuliah yang ngajarin saya pertama kali backpackeran. Disini saya baru pertama kalinya tau bagaimana cara merencanakan sebuah perjalanan... Mulai dari cara booking hostel, gimana cara nyusun itinerary perjalanan (mau kemana aja dan rutenya harus kaya apa), gimana cara naik mrt, gimana cara baca peta mrt dan peta wisata, gimana dan bagaimana kalo kita tiba-tiba bingung n hilang arah di negri antah berantah..Woaa...Gumawo ning..bener bener bisa belajar banyak banget dari travelling ini ;)

Negara ke-2 : Malaysia 

Negara Malaysia merupakan salah satu negara yang letaknya dekat dengan Indonesia. Malaysia memiliki 13 negara bagian dengan ibukota Kuala Lumpur. Mayoritas penduduknya muslim dan berbahasa melayu, jadi tidak ada kendala beribadah dan berkomunikasi. Di Negara ini, saya melihat ada 3 komunitas besar - Melayu, Tionghoa dan India. Beruntung sekali waktu berkunjung ke Malaysia, waktu ada parade 13 Negara bagian tersebut ;). Untuk transportasi, malaysia memiliki MRT yang memudahkan kami untuk berpindah dari satu tempat ke tempat lainnya. Untuk perjalanan jarak jauh, malaysia juga punya beberapa tipe bus yang nyaman (lebih nyaman dari yang ada di Indonesia). 

Screw the map, Travel and get lost!

Kuala Lumpur

Ini peta perjalanan hari pertama saya di Kuala Lumpur. Oya, traveling itu kan tergantung budget ya...Tahun 2010 ini saya baru saja lulus dari universitas dan belum dapat pekerjaan (modal nekat traveling aja ini :p). So.. Dengan uang saku terbatas (Rp2.000.000), tntu saja kami memilih tujuan wisata yang kebanyakan"gratis". Perjalanan hari ini dimulai dari KL Sentral by bus dan keliling ngeliat Taman Tasik perdana - Petailing - Petronas dan Cosmopolitan (11.00 pm)

Taman Tasik Perdana

Adalah sebuah taman yang tertua di Kuala Lumpur. Terletak di pinggir jalan raya Kuala Lumpur dan merupakan tempat di mana warga Inggris dahulu mendirikan rumah-rumah kediaman mereka. Taman yang menurut saya, asyik buat jalan, menghirup udara segar, ato sekedar nongkrong, ogging track, mushola, taman kancil n rusa, taman bunga sepatu, taman anggrek, danau 
How to get there:  jalan kaki dari KL Sentral

Masjid Nasional Malaysia

Beberapa masjid di Malaysia mengharuskan orang yang masuk ke masjid menggunakan pakaian tertutup. Jika wisatawan kebetulan menggunakan baju yang terbuka, mereka bisa menggunakan jubah yang sudah disediakan oleh masjid

Petronas Twin Tower - landmark of Kuala Lumpur

Tempat wajib yang harus dikunjungi kalo ke Kuala Lumpur. Belum lengkap rasanya ke Malaysia kalo g foto didepan Petronas Twin Tower ini. Jika anda ingin masuk ke menaranya, datanglah pada pagi hari (2010: Tiket free). Disini kita bisa masuk dan naik sampai di jembatan antara 2 tower. 

Batu Caves

Batu Caves merupakan tempat ibadah suci bagi orang hindu di Malaysia. Tempat ini terletak di negara bagian Selangor, sekitar 13 km dari kota Kuala Lumpur. 

How to get there: naik bus (dari hostel kami, jurusan JL. Ipoh n batu caves)

Malacca/ Melaka- The Historic State

Jika berkunjung ke Malaysia, jangan lupa mengunjungi Melaka. Melaka terletak 148 kilometer di selatan Kuala Lumpur dan merupakan salah satu UNESCO world heritage site. 

How to get there: bus from Kuala Lumpur

Travel map Melaka

Bangunan Berwarna Merah

Sampai di Melaka, sejauh mata memandang bangunannya berwarna merah. Mulai dari gereja, museum, toko hingga jam...semua berwarna merah. Untuk berkeliling tempat ini,kita bisa berjalan kaki ataupun naik becak2 unik (becak bunga bunga) yang mangkal disitu - tarif 2010: 1/2 jam 10 RM (alias 30 ribuan).

What to see: Curch Christ Melaka - Museum - Menara Jam - bangunan bangunan tua peninggalan jaman penjajahan 

Beruntung sekali, waktu ada di Melaka sedang ada festival. Malam itu kami habiskan untuk melihat tarian dari berbagai etnis yang ada di malaysia (india, China, portugis dan melayu), menikmati cruisi river dan beruntungnya sedang ada kapal2 hias :p (tarif 10 Rm untuk naik kapal). 

Di Malaysia Menginap dimana?

Cosmopolitan Hostel

Salah satu hostel backpacker yang mempunyai tipe kamar dorm. Kali ini kami memilih tipe female dorm (kamar khusus cewek yang berisi 6 orang) jadi kami sekamar dengan orang yang engga kami kenal. Omooo...ini pertama kalinya saya ngerasain hostel bacpacker dengan tipe kamar dorm dan ngerasain tidur dengan orang dr negara lain (dan g saling kenal :p). Oya...menurut saya sih nyaman nyaman saja tidur dengan tipe kamar sepertinini. Apalagi Tempatnya bersih, nyaman dan hommy. 

Budget 4 hari di Malaysia:
Tiket Pesawat Rp0,-
Pengeluaran selama di Malaysia 300 RM (krg lebih 1 juta rupiah)

-Karena travelling ke Luar Negri itu g harus mahal :p-

Ini cerita perjalanan backpacker pertama saya...

Bersambung - Negara ke 3 : Singapore

indah K ;)

Senin, 01 Februari 2016

Looking Ahead to 2016

The road to the 2016 season for Cy Woods began when their game with Cy Springs ended on November 7. For the first time since 2012, and for only the 2nd time in 8 seasons, the Wildcats did not make the playoffs.

"When you lose, you get to do it all over again. Funny thing is... when you win, you get to do it all over again. That's sports. Renewal is guaranteed."

Considering how the Rockets have been so thoroughly underwhelming, and the Texans are... well, content with being on the treadmill of mediocrity, there isn't much to get amped up about in Houston sports. Spring Training is around the corner, though, so there's that.

Sorry, got off track there. What will the 2016 season have in store for Cy Woods?

2015 record by team

Varsity: 5-5, 5-4 (5th) in District 17-6A
JV Cardinal (A): 5-5, 5-4
JV Gold (B): 2-8, 2-7
Freshman Cardinal (A): 7-3, 7-2
Freshman Gold (B): 4-6, 4-5

Combined record: 23-27, 23-22 in district games

Who's coming back?

Italics = will be a junior in 2016

QB Bryson Powers
QB Sean Despres
QB Jacob Kainer
RB C.J. Jones
RB/WR Jack Barrientez
WR Matt Ficalora
OL Chris Salinas
OL Mario Treviño
OL Cameron Howland
OL Ryan Kenny
OL David Heskin
OL Tim Dendy
K Luis Reyes
DL Tobi Orundami
DL Chris Statom
DL Cody Eggleston
LB Neil Chambers
LB Elijah Strang
LB Trent Bird
DB Kason Franklin
DB Collin Fewox
DB Myles Wilson

On the returners

Bryson Powers, C.J. Jones, Kason Franklin, Myles Wilson, and Luis Reyes will enter their senior years as the veterans of this program, as they will be 3-year lettermen. During their time as Wildcat football players, these four guys have seen just about everything, and they have experienced almost every emotion on the spectrum: The ecstasy of making the playoffs and seeing a community rallying to support their teammates and them during a 3-deep run when they were sophomores. Then, as juniors, they endured the agony of missing out on those festivities while 4 rival schools reveled in the occasion at their expense. Now, as seniors, they will be expected to assume leadership roles as they look to make one last playoff run. I'm sure that they, along with the Class of 2017, would like one final playoff run to finish high school. Who knows where that run could take them... of course, they have to get there first.

Having their starting backfield back for one more run will be a huge boost for the Cats. Bryson returning under center will provide some much needed stability to a passing game that will be surrounded by uncertainty (see below).

Neil Chambers was probably the Wildcats' best linebacker in 2015. He showed an outstanding competitive streak and he has a mentality that sort of reminds me of Dominique Robertson, a linebacker who was a teammate of mine back in ancient times. I think Neil has the potential to become one of the district's best defensive players, and I expect that he'll make that leap forward in 2016.

For the returning lettermen, missing the playoffs left a bitter taste in their mouths. This isn't something that occurs on a regular basis at Cy Woods. Hope they do whatever it takes to ensure that it doesn't become the norm.

This program was built on four tenets: Character, Attitude, Trust, and Success. The offseason following a non-playoff season will definitely put the collective character of the returning players in the program to the test, and also raises a couple of burning questions; Do they have the right attitude in order right the ship, and do the kids trust each other to do their part in righting the ship?

Possible contributors in 2016?

My commitments precluded me from watching any sub-varsity games, so any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Semaj Trahan (will be a sophomore in 2016) - Dynamic dual-threat quarterback, probably the Wildcats' top prospect in the Class of 2019

Cullen and Tanner Sherrill (sophomores) - Identical twin brothers, wide receivers; both possess excellent size and are also promising baseball players. They should be even stronger, and even better with an offseason under their belts.

Jake Tesch (sophomore) - Running back continuing a family legacy that began with Gary. Jake is built more like Taylor, his other older brother, but I've heard that he's the fastest of the three. Could make the move to wide receiver.

Khari Keaton (junior) - From what I have heard, he is probably the smartest kid in his class. He has played every skill position on offense, so he has upside as a utility player.

Brock Gunderson (sophomore) - Comes from a family of athletes (and giants, in general). His older brother, Cole, was a two-year starter at center for Cy Woods, so he has a great mentor to help him take on the rigors of varsity competition.

Jake and Brock both played in the season finale against Cy Springs, which gave them their first opportunities to audition for roles in 2016.

Issues that need addressing

1. The defense

Cy Woods' defense will probably never be confused for Katy's defense. Let's just get that out of the way. At the pace they were playing early in the season, they probably would have allowed over 500 points after giving up 455 a year before. The Wildcats ended up allowing 407 points in the 2015 season; among the 10 schools in District 17-6A, only Cy Lakes allowed more points. The Wildcats also allowed the most yards out of any team in the district. Most of that came through the air, where they were the absolute worst in that regard. Against the run, they ranked a paltry 7th.

The last two seasons for Cy Woods has been characterized by a conspicuous (and, at times, appalling) lack of defense. This surely has to be perplexing, especially because Coach Faith was a defensive coordinator prior to becoming the head coach at Cy Woods. I am very much interested in seeing how he will address the woes that have afflicted the Wildcat defense in the spring, and whether the changes (after allowing 400+ points 2 years in a row, there will definitely be changes) he has implemented in the offseason can effectively carry over once the season begins.

2. Wide receivers

With Tre' Hart, Jared Taylor, and Jordan Johnson all graduating, C.J. Jones is the top returning receiver for the Wildcats. In fact, only two players who caught a pass in the 2015 season for Cy Woods will be returning: C.J., and Jack Barrientez.

Jack is just one of two returning receivers for Cy Woods; the other, Matt Ficalora, was the only wide receiver who was called up during the season. Matt did not catch a pass, but he did score a rushing touchdown against Cy Lakes.

Basically, the Wildcats are going to be breaking in a completely new group of receivers in 2016, which will put the onus on some of these underclassmen to grow up in a hurry. However, Bryson Powers will be back to commandeer the offense, so his presence should provide a huge boost for the passing game. In addition, C.J. is a proven dual-threat out of the backfield, and he'll be a valuable target in the passing game, especially early on.

3. Starting slow/Falling behind early and often

The offense struggling to find its way during the first half of the season really exacerbated the deficiencies on the defensive side of the ball, and this basically meant that the Wildcats constantly had to trudge up a mountain that seemed to get bigger and bigger by the second. They were behind by double digits in the first half in each of their first 5 games, and they only came back to win one of those games (they trailed Ridge 21-7 after the 1st quarter of that game and ultimately won it 59-31).

So, what's the lesson here? Falling behind by multiple scores, especially in the first half, is not a desirable situation.

4. Discipline

Over the last two seasons (23 games total), Cy Woods has had 9 games in which they committed more than 10 penalties. I'm not sure how often that happened in the first 6 seasons, but I don't recall Woods ever getting penalized at such an alarming rate until now.

In the 2015 season, the Wildcats were penalized 107 times for 960 yards. I know there were some downright awful calls, but some of these penalties were completely avoidable, as well. I believe that both of those figures led the district, and those aren't the statistics where Cy Woods should be leading.

In their 74-73 loss to Jersey Village, they were whistled for 16 infractions, and they were flagged 13 times in a 40-35 loss to Cy Creek. This isn't an issue that has bugged them exclusively in losses; they've been flagged regularly, even in their wins. When they beat Langham, they were penalized 19 times. They also beat Cy Falls 48-47 in 2014 in spite of 19 penalties.

What's the root of this problem? This lack of discipline didn't just sprout overnight. I'm not going to expend energy pointing fingers at people behind a computer screen, because that's just petty and unnecessary. The Wildcats have won games in spite of penalties, but more often than not, flags have cost them dearly. Good teams find ways to overcome their miscues, but when they can't... the end result is usually pretty ugly.

On Realignment

Every two years, the UIL, which is the governing body for public high school athletics in the state of Texas, conducts a process called realignment.

If you want to delve deeper, here is a PDF direct from the UIL on how they will be conducting realignment. Even better... here is a primer provided by The Old Coach.

Given that Cy-Fair ISD is currently a district of 10 high schools, they will not have to be split between districts. Even though Cy Park is opening in 2016, this will not affect the composition of the district, as Park will be playing in Class 5A (2nd-largest classification) and won't have varsity football until 2018. However, when Park and high school #12 both have varsity sports, splitting the district will be required because of UIL regulations.

After much deliberation, the UIL has determined that:

The status quo is good enough for Cy-Fair ISD, as it will remain in District 17-6A and Region III for the next two years. Here are the 10 Cy-Fair ISD high schools, ranked by enrollment.
So... Woods' middle-of-the-pack ranking in terms of enrollment makes them a swing school for football. Given the helter-skelter nature of football this district, it is entirely possible for Woods to be in the Division I bracket, should they make the playoffs. It is also entirely possible for Woods to play in the Division II bracket, given that 3 of the 4 playoff teams in District 17-6A last year are larger than them.

In the playoffs (for all sports), Cy-Fair ISD will be paired up in bi-district with a new-look District 18, which is now occupied by Houston ISD schools. In the previous realignment, 18-6A was shared by Aldine and Spring Branch schools; they have now moved over to Region II. As a result, HISD, which was previously in District 20, has taken their place.

A matchup with Katy is still possible, because Katy ISD and Strake Jesuit remained in District 19. Taking HISD's place in District 20 is Fort Bend ISD.

Here are all 32 Class 6A districts straight from the source itself, the UIL: