Sabtu, 26 November 2016



Sekaten ORIGINATED  of sekati

Sekaten, or the night market is usually done before the birth of the prophet Muhammad, after of religious significance it has many meanings if we can look at it in depth meaning. Currently sekaten only considered as amusement rides for the little people by the authorities as well as how memdapat blessing of the authorities with a scramble in the event gunungan.Namun, basically both meanings really just sometimes we do not understand the meaning in both meanings.
Here I will describe the meaning according to me is more than that:
Sekaten an amusement rides for the people, because there are a variety of entertainment that is cheap and affordable for all people. Besides a wide assortment of entertainment too
Sekaten can foster harmonious family. Stand diverse and can also be enjoyed by various groups will make a lot of families that had been rarely out of the house for recreation into going out and in sekaten they can interact in the family will be what they want each, thus in the family so know what kind of willingness family members. this can make the family become more harmonious.
Sekaten as a venue for socialization between people, both young and old. Stand diverse and visited ultimately can make people who previously did not know each other become familiar with one another. Thus, the person will get a lot of friends and a range of properties as well as the area of ​​origin, because we know the future can sekaten the people from out of town though.
Sekaten a sign of gratitude. In sekaten division held a mound of rulers to the people. Other than as a symbol that the authorities also pay attention to the people, as well as a symbol that the authorities are grateful for the people who always support good governance in the form of praise or criticism.
But I think overall, it's the core sekaten are at the peak of the event itself that is when the mound is issued, the orchestra sounded and when the Prophet Muhammad's Birthday (birthday of Prophet Muhammad).
Sekaten as a sign of prosperity. This can be in the review of the components are made as well as the mountains of the origin of the word sekaten itself. Sekaten itself sebenranya of sekati said, according to Indonesian dictionary, it means the size Kati sized weights 6.25 ounces and is commonly used to measure the rice when it will be cooked. In the past if purchased rice with a graduated wear this size is half a coconut shell. If we consider the deeper, sekati means one catty or 6.25 ounces, and if cooking rice as much as 6.25 ounces of rice it means being able to sustain a family in one day. Thus the family is not short. Aside from Sekati words, the components of the mountains also vary and typically are everyday necessities. Daily necessities, or groceries was also one of the sustainer of life and prosperity within a family. In addition there is also a basic food or wooden boards and cloth is helped in the capture, these two materials represent from clothing and shelter needed by every human being.

At the time of the mountains also issued sekaten or gamelan gamelan sounded Sekati. Gamelan is a musical art and other arts represent. This means that in addition to food, clothing and shelter, as well as humans are considered to be prosperous when it can enjoy or have a sense of art, one of the art of music. Not only that, the Prophet Muhammad's Birthday Day also is when the mountains is issued, this means that everything was not going to experience prosperity if we do not recognize a religion and a God who gives everything to us.

So therefore, it seems to me the rulers and ancient view that a prosperity that is created when the elements of Food, Clothing, Board, Art and Soul was adequate and in a state of balance. That balance can be drawn from the word for rice Sekati Sekati one family can do different kinds of work in one day.

Again according to the meaning of my own interpretation, sorry if there is one word.

May be useful,

Night 1 Suro, Jamasan and Tapa Dumb

On the night of 1 suro, new years eve calendar Java, Yogyakarta and Surakarta in the earth there is some semblance of tradition. That tradition is continued carnival heritage Jamasan heritage, and also Tapa Mute. The tradition is usually done at night.

Maybe now a few people who know the meaning behind the tradition except as ritual night 1 suro. Actually, if we examine more deeply, in 2 rituals or activities are sufficiently deep meanings especially to welcome the new year. In this case the new year welcomed a new year Java.

Well, here I try to speak a little about the meanings of the ritual as far as I understand.

1. Jamasan Heritage
Jamasan Heritage is an activity that aims to clean heirlooms person has. Actually in jamasan it, not just the heritage that seems to be cleaned, but also heirlooms that are not visible. Heirloom that appear can be Keris, spear, arrow, sword, gun, or whatever. While inheritance does not appear it was breathtaking.

why need in cleaning?
Heirlooms that need to be cleaned so that is always ready for use at any time. If rarely cleaned, the inheritance will be rusty and when needed transform something, it is not feasible to use.
Similarly, the heart, he got us clean from all grudges and dirt there, because the heart is always we use all the time. If we seldom cleaned, then we are also a loss, our sensitivity to the environment because of dirt covered the world. Therefore, on every New Year's Eve suro held introspecting themselves in the form of tapa mute.

2. Mute Tapa
Is a series of rituals in which each participant may not speak until the event is over. Usually the event mengkirab heritage palace around the palace. In this silent procession tapa, participants are also expected to not wear footwear. Actually, if I understand it more deeply, the purpose of this silent tapa is an event berintropeksi themselves against various actions and thoughts that have been established for one year.

Why barefoot?
Barefoot as expected when the berintropeksi we can be at one with nature, and also remove any existing negative waterwheel inside tersbut to earth to neutralize. With bare feet Similarly we can also feel that the life was not smooth though many efforts have been done. Just as the path of nothing as smooth as we thought though telas paved with good.

Therefore, through inheritance and tapa mute jamasan palace hopeful that the start of the new year we can start from a clean and with a new spirit anyway to be getting better by improving what belom well in the previous year. And to prepare us to be various situations that come without a plan either by nature or by man himself.

Hopefully, we are increasingly aware that it is good for our tradition continue. Because every tradition, there must be the meaning of life in it.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Where is God?

The question "where is God" is a simple question but it is quite difficult to understand if it is addressed to us, religious people. Religion mention the place of worship is God's house. But what is true and right? If so, then God is just to be there alone dong. Even if not, why every one of us pray always there?

The question may well be we aim to others if they appear less religious. for example: "Where is your God?".

Here I will be a little answer and review the understanding of Java when it gets that question through a true story that happened a long time. Let's just say the Javanese who holds the tradition with the initials 'A' and a religious person with the initials 'B'.

One day, A performs a ritual in her room and quietly. He did not perform a ritual pretty unusual for us today. Through frankincense and myrrh, incense and she put it in her lap kiln with prayer and directs the fragrant smoke of incense into his body.

Because it smells very typical, then the B suspicious and wondering about the purpose of the ritual. After completing the ritual of the A, the B directly approached and asked the A. Similarly, the conversation the two of them:

B: "Grandmother was doing?
A: "Medium prayer (worship). What is it?"
B: "Then pray, why grandparent grandparent incenses own self?"
A: "When we worship, we worship and communicate them to be ready?"
B: "To God."
A: "Keep where he is?"
B: Silent pensive ........... ............ "house of worship?"
A: "The Lord was not in the synagogue and not be everywhere, including a large tree or rock"
B: "then where?"
A: "He was always in the hearts and ourselves. Therefore, I always incenses myself, because at that time I mean worship, thank fragrances, and communicate with God."
B: "O so yes ...."

Sometimes we religious people are clearly explained in the scriptures forget if God is within us. However, those who believe and pray Java based experience even better understanding of where God is. If we like A, where are we will always remember if God is always with us, always keeping us, always there for us, and we will increasingly feel the love his down to us. The taste of course, we will be more careful in every act and say, because we act and say not only includes ourselves, but we also include the Lord who dwells within us.

Hopefully with this we are increasingly reminded if God always dwells in us and with us. Live the good life, and according to his will with love of neighbor and nature, because then it means we have to work and live with God.

That's all.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Appreciating the importance of Local Wisdom

These days we often hear even possible to feel alone if natural disasters often stop at this archipelago. Starting from floods, earthquakes, landslides until the tsunami. Maybe from the disaster that sring we heard was an earthquake and floods in nearly every corner of the archipelago can experience it. The disaster is not indiscriminate, Segla something is blocking the movement dilahapnya. So we are not able to fight the disaster, we are only able to prevent and mitigate or minimize the impact of the damage.
It turned out that the business has been learned indirectly by our ancestors first. Maybe now little is know with certainty any such reduction efforts, so it is with me. However, gradually I know it and I get a little bit of knowledge is also not directly but through the preaching of the television, I often find places that still preserve the tradition and also of the conversations parents are still alive today.
Well, I will try to start sharing the local knowledge or perhaps cultural and local knowledge of Java.
I will give an overview of the continental shelf within the meaning of the Javanese antiquity. Ancient Javanese people are not aware of geological sciences west, they also do not have a submarine capable kapa dives to the bottom of the ocean throughout the archipelago. However, without us knowing, Javanese first ever say or think if the archipelago is on the strut by 3 large dragon and the location of the transverse and longitudinal layout is similar to the three plates that are in Indonesia today. Sorry for the name of each dragon I forget. In addition, they also assume if it meets three dragons in the Moluccas. As well, every time there is an earthquake they also assume if one is being mengoletkan dragon body. From here we have to understand if the Javanese people first have knowledge of how the earthquake occurred and movement patterns.
Of knowledge and the assumption, then the Javanese always berusahan build houses or buildings which form has the smallest damage if hit by the earthquake that house Joglo. why I also think so? That is because I saw houses original Joglo antiquity it does not use nails, pegs for mengambung hanay use each section. In addition, Joglo also has 4 main pillars in the middle of the house that is connected to the timber as well just sign enter as well as ends in exaggerated. At first look at the building I am confused as to what the rest of the wood jutting out until one day I had a notion if it's tolerance shocks movement if the house was hit by an earthquake. we also know when to peg the tolerance level of the connection between higher than using nails.

Aside from pillar model of the building, the placement of the building as well, namely Joglo well just put the chicken claw only on the pillars just so the house building will be easier to adjust the earthquake in order to minimize the risk of collapse of the building. As well as the shape of the building are wide open also makes the occupants easy exit in the event of a natural disaster.
Building models adapted to the natural conditions and disasters that many visited not only in Java but also in many other areas around the country. For example, people of Borneo create high stage house in order when the big flood tide or the house remains dry because the kit would know if Kalimantan surrounded suangai large rivers. Then I also heard Sunda house consisting or made of bamboo with a purpose if the house is hit by the earthquake and they can be easily damaged to return to the form of the house.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Art is a private owner

Art is a private owner, this expression is unthinkable as I watch the show SIEM and SIPA this month. why I think like that, because after watching the show pertungjukan-I like being in the atmosphere of the region where the arts are and understand what the personality of these areas. In addition, I also think if every art that emerged from a local public personality.

In this case I gave some contok are so visible that between Sumatra and the Javanese. In the eyes of the Javanese, Sumatran people seem so firm and fast in every moment and everything is expressed directly, and it is also seen in trending form of song and dance that originated there were mostly upbeat firmly. Unlike the Javanese in the eyes of Sumatra meek, art from jawapun seen slowly and gently.

Okey, here I will try to discuss further how I think if Art is a private owner. Still, I wrote in the sphere of art and culture which are in Java.

Literary Arts

Literary arts by which I mean in this case includes the writing and language. If we look at the writing of Java, there appear a form that terluhat innocent but also detailed and curved. So from these writings, we can say if writing course be needed tenderness and tenacity as well as the detail in order to produce such a form. This does not mean there is no self-assertiveness in Javanese, because if we look back, there are still elements of firmness tucked in the text. Well for me the Javanese have a firmness hidden behind softness.

Then in terms of language. Javanese themselves have varied according to the language in which they're located and spoken (broadly divided into two, namely Ngoko and Krama). in this case we can also deduce if the Javanese people are able to adapt and know themselves where they are and dealing. In front of the officials, they still respect while in the presence of their men also be respected. However, sometimes we often forget the positions we are because we are familiar with one language for everything. Nowadays, if we so subordinate, we often position ourselves to be subordinate everywhere although it was in front of children or subordinate to us when we have promoted. and vice versa when our bosses so often position themselves also become the boss where we are regardless of who we're dealing with. For me the Javanese have been able to position themselves where they are, through their speech and language read too Here.

Art Dance

If we consider the Javanese dance there often are differences in tempo or beats. At the start of the dance, a slow tempo and then move quickly and ask, and then slowed down. Here we can see if the Javanese more see a process in human life. Javanese aware if toward a peak of the highest success man needs a long journey and slow (slow tempo at the beginning) and then we will have our success in live life whether pleasant to us or not (tempo quickly and decisively) after we succeed, we will experience the old life to end this success, and we should end it quietly so we do not feel so lost to the success of the (tempo slowed back). Moreover, in our lives, it is also necessary firmness that we slipped in the process so that these successes as we want (movements firmly in dances a little bit removed dancers). This is exciting for me because I see that in every tenderness Javanese dance turns out there is a firmness and a lesson in the meaning of life.

