Sabtu, 26 November 2016




Madura has a wealth of traditional arts and a very large, diverse and highly valued. In the face of a globalized world that takes effect materalisme and pragmatism, the presence of traditional arts in community life in Madura is necessary, so that we do not get caught in foreign morality contrary to morality local or national identity.

We as a people need to know the original Madura culture alive, and even that would have been extinct. Introduction to various cultural Madura will be expected to arouse a sense of our national will of local arts.

Madura is known as a barren region, but rich in culture. Cultural property found in Madura constructed from a variety of cultural elements both from the influence of animism, Hinduism and Islam. Marriage of the three elements are very dominant existing culture. In the development of various art religious, especially Islamic nuances turned out to be prominent.

Diversity and various forms of traditional cultural arts in Madura shows just how high the culture of the nation of Indonesia. Traditional art treasures that contains the values adiluhur which is based on Islamic religious values should be preserved and made known to the younger generation as the successor to the nation's heritage.

Traditional arts are a wealth of local cultural assets to be able to protect the young generation from the negative effects of globalization. The influence of global culture so aggressively through the electronic media and print media caused the younger generation lost their identity. By knowing the local culture expected young people to explore the potential wealth at the same time preserve the traditional art.

Broadly speaking, these kinds of Madurese traditional culture can be divided into four groups and each of these groups has a different purpose and function, as for other types of traditional culture are:

First, the art of music or sound art that is macapat, saronen music and music-Ghul Ghul. Macapat is a song (singing) were initially used as a medium to praise Allah (praise religious) in the mosque-surau before being implemented obligatory prayers, the song is full soft touch and bring kesahduan soul. In addition to containing the praise song also contains the teachings, suggestions and an invitation to love science, teachings together to fix the damage to moral and character, to find the essence of truth and shaping human personality and culture. Through this song every man tapped her to better understand and explore the meaning of life. Poem macapat a manifestation of man's relationship with nature, and man's dependence on the Lord of the Universe. Example macapat:

Mara Kacong teaching onggu, kapenterran mara sare,
Teach religious elmo, elmo kadunnya'an pole,
Sala settongnga pabidda, teach bi 'onggu ate.
Elmo Nyare patar onggu,
Sala settong ja 'paceccer,
Elmo kadunnyaan Reya,
Menangka sangona Odhi
Dineng eimo religion, menangka sangona mate.
Paccowan kenga'e Kacong, bajangnga je 'ella'e,
Sa'are samalem coma,
Obligatory prayers entry kale,
Badha pole sonnat prayer, salat tire rawatib other (anggoyudo, 1983)

Art music or art next sound is the music Saronen. Several cultural attractions Madura accompaniment musical instrument is saronen. This music is the music that is very complex and versatile that can deliver nuance in accordance with their interests. Although saronen music is a blend of several musical instruments, but the most dominant is wriggle-liukan inflatable device in the form of a cone as the main instrument, the instrument called saronen.
The music comes from the village of Spring saronen Pragaan District of Sumenep derived from the word senninan (Monday)
Madura is famous as an ethnic tribe rampart, plain, open and warm, so that kind of joyous music and rhythm ber mars be the most fitting choice. To accompany bull sarka be played right rhythm music game that is fast and dynamic, while lorongan jhalan cadence (rhythm being) played at the time on the way to the location of bull. Cadence lorongan toju 'usually play songs gending ber gentle rhythm, usually used to accompany the bride out and the gate to the door of the aisle.
Art type of music or voice sent jutnya hose-Ghul Ghul is music that is dominated by a drum (Ghul-Ghul). But in this music game development incorporate other musical instruments, wind instruments and both percussion instruments. Specific features of this instrument are located on the model drum menggelem big fella in the middle. Music-Ghul Ghul was created to accompany the pigeons when it is flying. Musical accompaniment is used as a means of entertainment for the organization (association) "gettak virgin", when snapped then dove released into the atmosphere, the music is intended to menyemarak the atmosphere, the music-Ghul Ghul comes from the village of East Lenteng Lenteng District of Sumenep.

Secondly, sent a dance or movement that is tan and dance duplang muang denied. Madurese traditional dance movements never be separated from the words contained in the Quran as the word Allahu or Muhammad, as well as the limits of hand movement never exceeded the limits of the breast. Dance muang denied is sent a tradition that has survived until now, the dance has undergone changes which become compulsory dance to welcome the guests who come to Sumenep. While Meru feed duplang Dance dance specific, unique and rare.
The uniqueness of this dance is because this dance come into one's vision right a procession complete depiction of the life of a village woman. Women who worked hard as a farmer that had been forgotten. Woven and assembled in movements were very beautiful, gentle, and graceful. This dance was created by a dancer named Nyi Raisa palace. The last generation that is able to master this dance is Nyi Suratmi, and the dance is rarely performed after the change of government system, the transition from the king to the regents system. Since then the dance is rarely staged. Because the level of difficulty is very high, so many dancers are reluctant to learn it, it is not surprising that duplang dance is now not known and remembered by artists dance the next generation. Thus dance is totally extinct.

Third, a ritual that is Sandhur Pantel. Farming communities or Madurese traditional fishing communities using the ritual as a means of dealing with supernatural beings or media communications with a single Essence, creator of the universe.
Each perform rituals media art becomes an integral part of the entire process. Madurese call sandhur or dhamong ghardham, that rite is danced, with a variety of purposes, among others, to invoke the rain, guaranteeing a well full of water, to honor the shrine, removing the danger of the disease or prevent the disaster, while the shape of dancing and singing to the accompaniment of music.
Areas that have this art spread in the eastern part of Madura. There Batuputih rokat rite Dangdang, rokat somor, rokat bhuju, rokat thekos corn. In Pasongsongan are sandhur lorho '. In Guluk-guluk are sandhuran duruding, carried out when the harvest of corn and tobacco, in the form of singing men or women or both at once without musical accompaniment. Live music played by the participants in a manner mimicking the sound of various musical instruments. In traditional communities who still believe that the ritual sandhur panthel be employed as a media liaison with the creator. But this ritual is actually against Islam nor taught in the Qur'an and Sunnah, so this is an innovation come into one's vision right and unlawful if implemented.

Various forms of art is a wealth of local cultural assets to be able to protect the nation's children from a variety of global culture impact. The influence of global culture is now so intense, flowing from various mass media door, causing the younger generation lost their identity. The wealth of art and culture which is owned by the tribes in Indonesia will gradually become extinct, it is caused by the indifference of the various elements, both local authorities, government agencies, formal and informal leaders, the people or the younger generation. But that is very important to note in this respect, whether it is appropriate or culture in accordance with the teachings of Islam ...! ?? If it is not, then it is not mandatory preserved culture.

Fourth, the performing arts in the form of bull and masks puppeteer. Race spur cattle were first introduced in the 15th century (1561 AD) during the reign of Prince Katandur in Sumenep palace. The game and the race is not much of a connection with the daily activities of farmers, within the meaning of this game provide motivation to the obligation of farmers to their fields and in addition that farmers increase livestock production cows.

However, the bull race is now unlike before and has been abused so much more harm than good. The problem is many of the players and the spectators who forgets his duty as a servant of Allah, that they no longer establish the prayer (Forgotten God, remember the cow). Bull has become identity, trade mark and a symbol of strength and wealth of the Cultural assets Madura. In the tourism sector, bull mempakan major supplier and Revenue Expenditure Budget (APBD), because of this sector of the domestic and foreign tourists come to Madura to witness the bull.
But it is unfortunate because it is happening now, foreign tourists and domestic own little would come to watch the race bull, it is because they see the torture of animals by giving something sharp objects and others to the cow, so that the cows run faster and be a winner. Moreover, not a few of the people who made the bull race betting as gambling arena. So it appropriate this culture continues to be preserved longer, if it so happens .. ??

The next performance art is a mask mastermind, is said to mask said to be the oldest art. The shape of the mask that was developed in Madura is different from the mask in Java, Sunda and Bali. Madura masks are generally smaller shape and almost all masks carved on the top of the head with a variety of ornaments. Variety is the most popular ornamental decoration jasmine flowers. As for the portrayal of the character in the mask mastermind other than look at the shape of the face also in the choice of colors, to figure soulless clean use of color and white, color red to figures quiet and affectionate, color black to figure wisely net of lust, yellow gold to figure a graceful and dignified, yellow color for the grumpy character, cunning and arrogant.
Each staging mask mastermind all players predominantly male, dancers of approximately 15-25 people in the play are staged all night, while her accessories are taropong, sapiturung, ghungseng, bats, hair and naughty. As for the female lead is in the form of additional accessories sampur, snake necklace, bracelet and a diadem. Masque mastermind Madura is the only traditional theater is able to raise the prestige of the traditional arts. In the era of the 80s until the 90s masks mastermind Sumenep wandered up to the Americas, Asia and Europe, major cities are visited are London, Amsterdam, Belgium, France, Japan and New York. Appearance traditional art is able to attract, riveting and hypnotic and cause the admiration of the audience, so warm sam butane international community of the arts mask mastermind.
But it is a pity, admiration has ever built by the puppet masters in the past, are now starting to fade due to lack of interest, this art began to wane, especially in urban communities, because it is considered obsolete. This time the play is only done in the rural areas still care and love this art. Traditional theater art owned Madura tribe shows just how high the value of the culture of this tribe. The values ​​are grounded adiluhur the religious values, should be reintroduced on to future generations as the rightful owner or heir cultures. Moreover, regeneration and preservation is packaged in a flexible and flexible in accordance with the existing development. As guardian Songo make the media arts as a means of propaganda without losing the values ​​of philosophy and identity.

So therefore, the Regional Government, society and especially the younger generation of students today musst be a milestone as a preserver of regional culture Madura, so that there is no culture that has been lost or destroyed and will continue to be the pride of the nation. But culture also need to match and can not be separated from the norms or rules of Islam, thus excluding a culture that is not allowed and forbidden by religion.
Cultural Differences with Java Madura
Madura is the name of the island which is located to the north of East Java. Madura Island is the amount of approximately 5,250 km2 (smaller than the island of Bali), with a population of 4 million. Madura is divided into four districts, Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan, and Sumenep.
Bangkalan located at the western tip of the island of Madura and today has built the longest bridge in Indonesia, the longest bridge (Surabaya-Madura), is one area of ​​Surabaya development, as well as covered in Gerbangkertosusila. And unique Sumenep which is one of the districts in Madura addition to consisting of the land area, consisting also of islands totaling 126 islands.
Although most regions including the region is the island of Madura, Madura but still has its own culture. Madura culture different from Javanese culture. Madura culture that comes from the palace, somewhat influenced by the Javanese court culture. Both in the arts, dance, macopat, language, or gending gamelan. But this does not mean Madura does not have its own cultural roots.
Significant differences can be seen in everyday life, nature Madurese more egalitarian and open, in contrast to the nature of Java has the properties "ewuh pakewuh". In any case seeking sustenance, Madurese since the past has dared to migrate to the outer islands. This is evidenced by the many Madurese spread almost all over the State and even to the extent that overseas there is any.
Madura society known to also have a distinct culture, unique, stereotypical, and stigmatic. Typical terms here indicates that the entity has the Madurese ethnic-cultural specificity that is not similar to other ethnic communities ethnography. Cultural specificity is partly visible on obedience, submission, and surrender them to the four major figures in the life that is Buppa, Babu, thunder, tire ratoh (Father, Mother, Teacher and Leader of Government).
In addition, also Madura still have some cultural values ​​that need to be preserved and developed. Among them are such phrases as: "Manossa coma dharma", this phrase indicates a belief in the power of God Almighty. "Abhantal ombha 'asapo' angen, abhantal syahadad asapo" faith ", the show will intertwine kelindannya Madurese culture with the values ​​of Islam. "Bango 'jhuba'a e No' etembang jhuba 'a e cultivation", is better than ugly ugly in front of behind. "Asel ta 'adhina origin", reminds us not forget themselves when to be successful and will always remember the origin of the existence of self. "Lakonna lakone, kennengngana kennengnge" along with the phrase "The right man in the right place". "Pae 'jha' dhuli palowa, manes jha 'dhuli kalodu", advise that we do not rush to make a decision based solely on the phenomenon. We need to explore the root causes, recently conducted an analysis to then set the policy. "Karkar colpe '", can be developed to cultivate an attitude of working hard and smart, if we want to reap the results to be enjoyed.
Another uniqueness of Madurese culture is basically shaped and influenced by the geographical and topographical conditions of the Madurese who mostly live in coastal areas, so that the majority of the population Madura livelihood as a fisherman.
Types of culture Madura

1. Culture Macopat (Mamaca)
Macopat or there is also a call to Mamaca, the Madurese culture that can also be categorized as art form. Songs are written in the Java language is sung with a certain poetry, or also dikanal with tembeng term.
Usually in this macopat readings sometimes lacks the music, and often with the use of the flute.
2. Ritual Ojung
Ojung in ritualistic form a kind of game that involves two people to physically compete with fitted media-sized rattan 1 meter as a tool memukul.ritual is usually held to be right down the rain and avoid disaster due to drought kemarau.Dan usually accompanied by music rarely found in other areas consisting of three pieces of dung-dung (palm tree roots) perforated in the center so it sounded like a bass, and kerca as well as a musical instrument kleningan as a regulator of the song.
3. Culture Rokat Tase '(Quotation Sea)
Tradition "Rokat Tase '" do to be grateful for the gift and the favors given by the creator is God Almighty. And also to be given the safety and smoothness of sustenance in Ritual or that tradition, usually begins with the reading istighotsah and Tahlil shared by the community, led by religious leaders, releasing public offerings to the sea as a sense of gratitude to almighty One. The contents of the offerings that are sticky-sticky colorful, cone, fish, and so forth. The ritual or tradition called "Rokat Tase '' by locals.
4. Culture Okol
Okol, the term Madurese to mention wrestling tradisional.Tradisi okol prevalent in times of persistent drought struck. But if we see either of the purpose and implementation okol almost the same as the culture ojung
5. Culture Rokat
Culture Rokat in Madura is done with the intention, if in a family there is only one man out of five children (pandapa lema '), it must be held Rokat event. Rokat event is usually carried out by inviting mask (Nangge 'masks) are accompanied by gamelan music Madura and as he recited macopat (Mamaca).

