Senin, 28 Desember 2015

Negara ke-6 : Backpacker to Philippines


"The World is a Book, and I Will Read It!"

a Journey of a Thousand Miles Must Begin with a single Step

1000 Things To Do Before I Die - To Travel Around the world! 
Travel around the world that has 196 country ... 
Must begin with a single step .... Buy the Ticket! 
Tiket promo Cebu Pasific Air seharga Rp 1,5 PP yang dibeli 6 bulan sebelum hari H ini membawa saya menuju negara ke 6: Philippine. 

Why I Choose Philippines?

Philippines sebenernya belum masuk dalam list 1000 Things to Do Before I Die ketika tiket dipesan. Negara ini ada di ASEAN, berbentuk kepulauan sama seperti Indonesia, cuaca dan alamnya juga sama. Lalu kenapa memilih backpacker kesana?

1. Kena "Hipnotis" ajakan traveling dr temen yang selalu g bisa ditolak
2. Mengingat dan menimbang misi tahun ini 1 Tahun 2 Negara 100 Kabupaten/Kota
3. Just want to try new things, meet new people, and look beyond what’s right in front of me .....The way to understanding this amazing world we live!

"Orang - orang bepergian karena mereka jadi belajar hal-hal yang tidak bisa mereka pelajari  dengan cara lainnya" - Lance Morrow-

Negara ke - 6 Philippines

Negara filipina / Republic of Philippines merupakan negara kepualauan dengan 7107 Pulau. Negara ini terletak di utara Indonesia, tepatnya di utara Pulau Sulawesi. Orang - orang Philippine tampak seperti orang - orang Indonesia. Secara fisik, kita sama. Di kehidupan sehari-hari, mereka menggunakan bahasa Tagalog dan Bahasa Inggris (Kebanyakan dari mereka bisa berbahasa Inggris, jadi kami tidak terlalu terkendala dalam bahasa).  Mayoritas orang Phillipine beragama Katolik  (80% menurut om wiki) karena pengaruh dari penjajahan spanyol yang berlangsung selama 265 tahun. Di negara ini, alat tukarnya menggunakan mata uang Pesso atau biasa disingkat PHP. Nilai tukarnya saat saya pergi sekitar Rp310.

I Had to See it for Myself!

Kota Tua itu bernama Intramuros

Seperti halnya Kota Tua Di Jakarta, Manila juga mempunyai sebuah kota tua, bernama Intramuros. Pada zaman penjajahan spanyol abad ke 16,  kota Manila membangun sebuah benteng untuk mencegah serangan dar Luar yang selanjutnya dikenal dengan nama Intramuros (Dalam bahasa Spanyol: Dalam Benteng).  

Kita bisa berkeliling Intramuros dengan berbagai cara seperti Jalan Kaki, Naik Trycycle, Jeepney, ataupun Kereta kuda. Tarifnya pun berbeda-beda tergantung kekuatan menawar anda. Saya dan teman-teman memilih untuk berjalan kaki dan menikmati keindahan Intramuros.

Fort Santiago

Fort Santiago .... 
Sebuah benteng tertua yang ada di Manila. Dibangun pada tahun 1571 saat masa pemerintahan Raja Soliman. Selain Benteng, Fort Santiago juga berfungsi sebagai penjara. Saat ini, Fort Santiago dijadikan salah satu objek wisata yang wajib dikunjungi jika anda ada di Intramuros. Tiket masuk benteng ini 75 PHP.

Catedral of Manila

Catedral of Manila merupakan salah satu Gereja Tua yang ada di Manila. Gereja ini sudah ada sejak zaman penjajahan Spanyol. Jika anda pecinta Museum, anda bisa masuk ke Casa Manila (Museum ini dulunya sebuah rumah - termasuk salah satu rumah tertua yang ada di Manila. Museum ini memberikan gambaran kepada kita tentang bangunan, tata letak, beserta perabotan2 pada zaman Penjajahan spanyol).


Museum Nasional Philippines

Museum Nasional Philippine. Berkunjung ke Suatu negara, g lengkap dong rasanya kalau tidak berkunjung ke Museum Nasionalnya. 1 Jam kami habiskan untuk berkeliling di dalam Museum ini. Di Museum Nasional ini kita bisa melihat rumah adat suku Ifugao (Salah satu suku tertua di Philippine). Kita juga bisa melihat salah satu bagian dari Berlin Wall, Cerita tentang Ivory, Kemaritiman, Benda2 jaman dulu yang ditemukan di wilayah Philippine, dan juga budaya-budayanya (baju, patung-patung dan lain-lain) 

Palawan - A Last Frontier of Extraordinary Natural Beauty
Judul tulisan dari buku 1000 Place to see Before you Die ini menggiring saya menuju Palawan Island.  Di Pulau ini, kami berencana ingin melihat keindahan El Nido dan melihat salah satu Keajaiban Dunia new Seven wonder : Underground River di Puerto Princessa. 

Tepat pukul 11 siang, pesawat kami mendarat di Puerto Princessa International Airport - Pulau Palawan. Kami langsung melanjutkan perjalanan menggunakan Van (yang bisa ditemukan disebelah kanan bandara - harganya 500PHP) menuju El Nido yang terletak di Ujung utara Pulau Palawan. Perjalanannya membutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 5 jam (dengan pemandangan pantai di sepanjang jalan - dan tanpa macet).

El - Nido : Sunset

Sunset yang indah ini menyapa kami ketika kami pertama kali menginjakan kaki di El Nido. Sebuah kota kecil yang ada di ujung utara Pulau Palawan. Alamnya masih alami dan tidak terlalu ramai. Untuk berkeliling kota El Nido, kita bisa berkeliling menggunakan trycycle.

 El - Nido: Tour D Island

Untuk menikmati keindahan Alamnya, El Nido menawarkan 4 Paket tour (A , B, C dan D) yang bisa dipilih oleh wisatawan. Kita bisa booking secara online atau dapat juga mendaftar on the spot atau bisa juga lewat hotel yang kita tempati (tips:lebih murah mendaftar langsung - banyak diskon yang ditawarkan dengan fasilitas yang sama). 

We choose tour A ... Naik kayak di small lagoon, berenang sampe ke big Lagoon, makan siang ala ala pinggir pantai di simizu island, dan bersantai di iphi island. Dari semua tour yang pernah saya ikuti (Di Indonesia tapinya ;p), this tour is the best for me. Mulai dari guidenya, kapalnya, fasilitasnya dan tentu saja tour d island nya. El Nido is amazing! you must go there and jangan lupa masukin di wish list kamu ;p 

Puerto Princessa: Underground River 

Puerto Princessa Underground river dinobatkan sebagai salah satu keajaiban dunia versi new7wonders. Panjangnya lebih dari 4,3 km dan gosipnya ini menjadi underground river terpanjang di dunia. Thats why this place has become a Natural World heritage Site. 

Be a Traveler , not a Tourist

"Please be a traveler, not a tourist. Try new things, meet new people, and look beyond what’s right in front of you. Those are the keys to understanding this amazing world we live in – Andrew Zimmern"

Meet New People!

Orang - orang filipina atau bisa disebut dengan filipino memiliki bentuk fisik yang sama dengan orang Indonesia.  Di foto ini, selain kita bertiga (yang pake jilbab), semua merupakan orang filipina. Ada perbedaan yang bisa ditemukan? Kadang mereka juga g bisa bedain ko indo dengan filipino. Bahkan ketika kita diem, tiba2 disamber ... diajak ngobrol dengan bahasa yang kita g ngerti (kemudian disebut tagalog - bahasa nasional filipina) dan selalu berkahir dengan kata "sorry...I think you are filipino" ketika mereka sadar n ngeliat muka kita bengong (g ngerti mereka ngomong apa ;p).
Pure Joy! Kalo ketemu orang - orang filipina, berasa ngeliat si Joy di film nya inside out (beberapa blog juga ngomong begitu). Rame dan Ramah. Selama di Filipina, kami sangat tertolong dengan karakter mereka ini. Mudah untuk diajak ngobrol (bahkan kadang diajak ngobrol duluan sama mereka), rame dan menyenangkan. Bahkan ketika kami kebingungan di perempatan jalan saat ingin menuju Mall of Asia, g sengaja tanya ke ibu2 di pinggir jalan, g hanya dikasi petunjuk harus naik apa dan kearah mana ... mereka bahkan nganterin kita sampe ke tempat terdekat sama tujuan (yang butuh waktu1/2 jam). Jadi inget kalo di pelajaran - pelajaran waktu disekolah ... orang Indonesia dikenal sebagai orang yang ramah. Begitu juga dengan filipino .... ramah dan pure joy ... Nice to Meet you all :)

Try new Things: Transportation

Thailand punya tuk tuk, filipina punya Jeepney. Yap...ini salah satu alat transportasi yang digunakan filipino sehari-hari. Semacam angkot tapi agak panjang -  Kalau mau bayar ke supirnya, harus ngerenteng dari belakang ke depan (8 - 15 php). Kalo orang - orang ingin turun dari jeepney, biasanya mereka bilang "para"atau "parakuya" (kuya = semacam panggilan buat mas2 gitu d...). Transportasi lain yang ada, kita bisa coba UV Express - semacam mobil biasa dengan tujuan - tujuan yang agak jauh. tarifnya kurang lebih 20 php. kalo pas diterminalnya, kita bisa liat dari tempat parkirnya (ada tulisan tujuannya). Di Filipina, kita juga bisa cobain tricycle - alias becak motor. tarifnya variatif tergantung jarak dan kemampuan menawar anda ;p

Understanding This amazing world

Mayoritas orang Phillipine beragama Katolik (80% menurut om wiki) karena pengaruh dari penjajahan spanyol yang berlangsung selama 265 tahun sedangkan muslim di sini hanya 5%, ini artinya saat kita berkunjung ke filipina, kita jadi orang minoritas. 

Gambar disebelah merupakan masjid terbesar yang ada di Manila. Terletak di sebuah kampung muslim yang ada disana. Karna susahnya mencari tempat dan spot buat shalat, kita sengaja mencari masjid yang ada di Manila dengan bayangan bisa leyeh2 istirahat di masjid beberapa jam sambil nyelonjorin kaki n ngadem. Tapi kenyataannya? kami tiba di sebuah kampung yang (maaf) agak yah..begitulah ... dengan masjid yang g ada dingin2nya, bahkan cenderung agak kurang terawat. ingin cari air wudhu pun kami bingung karna air keran di masjid tidak mengalir. sampai akhirnya ada warga yang menyapa kami dan menunjukkan kami kamar mandi umum di dekat dengan masjid (T-T ngeliatnya melas tapi....pengen motret...tapi g tega ... ). 

Selain tentang masjid, disana kita juga susah mencari spot buat shalat. Di tempat-tempat wisata, tidak disediakan tempat untuk shalat. Ketika tanya ke orang - orang atau petugas pun tidak menyelesaikan masalah. Kita cuma minta sedikit ruang dipojokan, malah dibukain kamar mandi (yang bener ajaa....masa kita shalat di kamar mandi T-T). Waktu kita curi2 tempat shalat dipojokan mall yang sepi, deket lift barang, eh disamperin ama petugas trus mereka bilang yang artinya "kalian g bisa melakukan ini disini, silahkan cari tempat lain". Menurut nganaa ... kita uda muter2 mall n ini spot paling ok dan g ngeganggu orang disini juga lo... 

Yap....disini saya baru merasakan rasanya jadi orang minoritas, menjadi agama minoritas .... harus banyak - banyak bersyukur ada di Indonesia, bebas pake jilbab, kemana aja ada tempat untuk shalat, makanan halal ... alhamdulillah :)


Filipina, dengan mayoritas katolik, hampir semua makanan yang dijual ada pork nya. Kita harus pintar - pintar milih warung yang g ada porknya. bahkan untuk mie instant (yang biasanya saya asal ambil - kalo di Indonesia, disini saya harus ngeliat isi yang terkandung di dalamnya). Untuk rasa ... berbeda dengan Indonesia, di filipina kebanyakan mereka menggunakan kecap asin (bukan kecap manis), saos sambal dan saos tomat juga jarang, mereka juga g make sambel ...cabe yang ada di filipina kecil2 dan g pedes ... pelajaran d .. besok lagi kalo ke negara2 yang makananya beda jauh dari Indonesia, jangan lupa bawa kecap dan saos sebagai penyelamat waktu makan anda  ;p

My Backpacker Itinerary to Philippines

Total Biaya yang dikeluarkan selama Backpacker ke philippine ini Rp5.400.000 (Tiket Pesawat Manila-Jkt PP n Manila-Palawan PP, Hostel, Biaya hidup disana, transportasi)

Sekian cerita tentang filipina.. ;)

"One Destination is never a place, but rather a new way of looking at things" Henry Miller

Salam, Indah K ;)  

Rabu, 02 Desember 2015

All-District Wildcats

Congratulations to the 15 Wildcats who received All-District honors in District 17-6A.

WR Jordan Johnson and RB C.J. Jones were Cy Woods' two representatives on the 1st team. C.J. is the first Wildcat running back to be selected to the 1st team since Fredrick Anderson in 2010.

4 Wildcats were named to the 2nd team: OL Skylar Schulz, WR Tre' Hart, QB Bryson Powers, and DB Kason Franklin.

9 Wildcats were Honorable Mentions:

- C Jonathan Laven
- RB R.J. Harmon
- WR Jared Taylor
- WR Jack Barrientez
- LB Neil Chambers
- LB Austin Greaves
- LB Keith Watson
- K Luis Reyes
- DB Myles Wilson

And finally... 25 Wildcats received Academic All-District honors. Often, the balance between athletics and academics is delicate. Football is the most physically taxing sport, and the rigors of playing this game can also become mentally taxing, which in turn will affect a player's performance in the classroom. I hate to sound cliché, but getting good grades in the classroom matters. It is, after all, the key to your future. Well, that's what I was told....

For these players, they successfully balanced the demands of their schoolwork with the countless hours they've put in on the gridiron, and that is certainly a feat that is worthy of respect. There's no superhuman effort required to keep a harmonious balance between academics and athletics; a little effort towards effective time management makes a tremendous difference.


DB Collin Fewox
QB Jacob Kainer
WR Jack Barrientez
OL Tim Dendy


LB Trent Bird
LB Elijah Strang
DL Cody Eggleston
DB Kason Franklin
DB Myles Wilson
OL David Heskin
OL Ryan Kenny
OL Mario Treviño
QB Bryson Powers


OL Jeff Aykroyd
OL Josh Beardmore
OL James Compton
OL Jonathan Laven
DB Dylan Bert
DB Terrell Brown
DB Ryan Olvera
LB Brandon DePrato
LB Tim Reed
DL Caleb Smith
WR Seth Despres
WR Josh Carter

Selasa, 24 November 2015

A Study Of Factors Influencing Students’ Academic Performance In A Higher Secondary School In Bhutan: Published in the 16th Volume of RABSEL

Tshewang Rabgay
The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting academic performance of the students of a higher secondary school in Bhutan. The dependent variable considered for the study was students’ academic performance, which was indicated by students’ test scores and the independent variables were students’ demographic characteristics, parents’ socio-economic status, parenting style and students’ learning and study strategy. The data were collected from 241 students of the school using two questionnaires­–Learning And Study Strategy Inventory and Baumrind’s Parenting Style’s Questionnaire. Correlation analysis, independent samples t-test and descriptive analysis were used to analyze data. The findings revealed that socio-economic factors such as parents’ education, income and occupation resulted in difference in academic performance but there was no difference in students’ academic performance based on students’ demographic variables like gender, age and living arrangements. Of the three parenting styles, namely authoritative, authoritarian and permissive, it was found that authoritative parenting results in better academic performance. The findings also revealed that students had average level learning and study skills. Recommendations were suggested to improve students’ academic performance.

KEY WORDS: Academic Performance, Socio-economic Status, Learning and Study Strategy, Parenting Style


The University of Calgary football Dinos continue to make inroads into the British Columbia Interior in pursuit of future players for the team.

The Dinos confirmed the signing of quarterback of Josiah Joseph to a Canadian Interuniversity Sport Letter of Intent. Joseph spent the past two seasons for the Okanagan Sun of the British Columbia Football Conference. This past year he split playing time with veteran Cam Bidore. Joseph is the second player with BC Interior roots to sign with the Dinos. Earlier the Dinos confirmed the signing of Vernon Secondary School linebacker, Carson Labrecque.

Offensive coordinator Ryan Sheahan flew to Kelowna during the season to evaluate talent with the Sun. Joseph also made a visit to Calgary in April 2015 but elected to return to the Sun and continue his academic studies at UBCO.

This past year Joseph broke the passing percentage in the BCFC and was named top offensive back for the Sun.

“Calgary is a great opportunity for me to come and compete for a spot. I like the culture present and the family aspect of the team,” stated the 6’3” 210 lbs. Joseph who attended Mount Boucherie High School in West Kelowna. While at Mt. Boucherie, Josiah excelled in both football and basketball earning Kelowna High School Athlete of the Year for excelling in both sports.
Former Okanagan Sun President Paul Carson had high praise for Joseph. "We are very excited that Josiah has committed to the Calgary Dinos program. He is a tremendous young man who has a bright future at the CIS level. Josiah is a mature and talented young man who has a tremendous amount of upside. The entire Okanagan Sun organization wishes him well".
“Josiah is a big athletic quarterback with a strong arm. He has great leadership skills and that was shown when he helped the Sun to the Canadian Junior Final,” states University of Calgary Head Coach Wayne Harris.
 Josiah will enrol in the Faculty of Kinesiology in January 2016 beginning his academic career at the University of Calgary as well as training with the team in the off-season.
Carleton, St. Francis Xavier, and the University of Regina approached Josiah about attending their schools but he felt Calgary was the best fit for him from an academic and athletic standpoint.

Josiah is the son of Randy and Shannon Joseph.

Jumat, 13 November 2015

Socio-cultural Factors Influencing Adolescent Girls’ Body Image

A Paper Presented at the 3rd Research Convention at SCE. 
Theme: Gender and Education
Adolescence is associated with an increased concern for body image. Past studies have shown that body image concern is more in girls than boys which suggests that adolescent girls are more likely to be dissatisfied with their body than boys. Body image is influenced by many factors. This study aimed to explore the influence of socio-cultural factors-media, parents and peers on Samtse Higher Secondary School girls’ body image; and to determine the most influential factor among the three. The study also sought to find the level of body satisfaction of Samtse Higher Secondary School girls. A survey was conducted with 150 girls of the school. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, paired samples t-test and regression analysis. The results suggested that media and peers had significantly dominant influence on girls’ body image than parents. It was also found that most girls (50.6%) were dissatisfied with their body which was further confirmed by the significant difference (p-0.000) between girls’ perceived actual body image and ideal body image. The study recommended media literacy programs for both parents and adolescents to deal with the social and cultural pressures to conform to unrealistic body ideals. The study also recommended teachers and school counselor to conduct psycho-educational initiatives in the school such as body image sessions and group discussions to teach students to accept and appreciate their body as they are and to decrease their preoccupation with appearance. 
KEY WORDS: Adolescent girls, Body image, Sociocultural factors, Media, Parents,

Minggu, 08 November 2015

Cy Woods 49, Cy Springs 39: The End.

Final 2015 record: 5-5, 5-4 in District 17-6A

This is the second final-game recap I've done since starting this blog, and after doing one following the Manvel game last season, I thought this one would be a little easier. I was sorely mistaken.

On a rainy, chilly Saturday afternoon at the Berry Center, the Cypress Woods Wildcats closed out the 2015 season with a 49-39 victory over the Cy Springs Panthers. It turned out to be a bittersweet swan song for the Class of 2016, as Cy-Fair's 21-13 win over Jersey Village on Friday eliminated the Wildcats from playoff contention. And so, for the first time since 2012, Cy Woods will not be taking part in the festivities that we call the playoffs.

It's never fun when your fate isn't in your hands. Left for dead in the district. Fighting just to get back in the mix... only to see it all slip away. That is as cruel as it gets. For these seniors, this was probably the least fun life lesson that they've had to learn. But... life is all about learning lessons, and sometimes, we must learn these lessons in our darkest hours. It is harsh when the countless hours of hard work you put in end up going unrewarded. I know that these kids wanted to be rewarded with a trip to the playoffs, and all throughout this game, I had that feeling that they deserved so much better.

Although it was a high-scoring affair, this wasn't exactly the highest-quality game. Then again, it was raining steadily throughout the afternoon, which is not exactly ideal conditions for a football game. At least it wasn't a thunderstorm. It was cold, though, which also meant that it was pretty uncomfortable. Don't you just hate it when the weather puts its symbolism on full display sometimes?

So, What Happened Was...

Jordan Johnson opened up the scoring with a 2-yard run. The extra-point attempt was botched due to a bad snap, so Woods was on the board first with a 6-0 lead. Following a turnover on downs that put them in the red zone, Jordan found a wide-open C.J. Jones for a 15-yard touchdown.

End 1st: Woods 13, Springs 0

The Panthers suddenly sprang to life as Taye Barber connected with Jah'marea Sheread for a 62-yard touchdown pass. On the ensuing Wildcat possession, Jordan was strip-sacked, and Eric Carter put Springs in the lead by returning the loose ball 12 yards for another touchdown. Woods regained the lead as Jack Barrientez hauled in a pass from C.J. and outran everyone for a 76-yard touchdown. Barber struck once again; this time he found Jervarius Seals from 26 yards out. The extra point attempt was no good, however, and so the first 24 minutes ended in a deadlock.

Halftime: Woods 20, Springs 20

The 3rd quarter was largely nondescript, but business picked up late. Barber connected with Sheread again for an 11-yard scoring pass to put Springs back in front with 4:45 left in the period. Woods pulled even as Tre' Hart caught a rainbow from C.J. and scored from 31 yards out. However, the Panthers regained the lead as Barber had a Colton Huntsman-esque 76-yard touchdown run,

End 3rd: Springs 33, Woods 27

The Wildcats were finally able to seize control of this game in the final stanza of the season. R.J. caught another rainbow from C.J. and outran 5 Panthers for a 27-yard touchdown pass. C.J. then punched it in from 3 yards out. Barber mishandled a snap in his own endzone, and Adrian Garcia very nearly fell on it for a touchdown. They'd have to settle for a safety, but C.J. sealed the deal with a 31-yard touchdown scamper with 85 seconds left in the game. Jah'marea Sheread hauled in his 3rd touchdown catch of the game with 22 seconds remaining.

Final: Woods 49, Springs 39


The Panthers were well-prepared for the Wildcats' rushing attack. Woods was able to break a couple of big runs, but they either got called back thanks to holding calls, or they followed it up by losing 7 yards on the next play.

C.J. Jones finished 19 yards shy of a 1,000 yard season. R.J. Harmon, in his final game at Cy Woods, recorded 57 yards on the ground.

C.J. Jones: 24 carries, 141 yards, 2 TD
R.J. Harmon: 19 carries, 57 yards
Jordan Johnson: 8 carries, -10 yards, TD
Luis Reyes: 1 carry, -7 yards


With no Bryson Powers, Jordan Johnson got his first start at the varsity level at the position he first played when he entered Cy Woods: quarterback. He mainly ran, although he fired a 15-yard touchdown pass to C.J. Jones on his first pass attempt of the game.

C.J. then took over at quarterback midway through the 2nd quarter. He had some nice throws that sadly fell incomplete, but he also unleashed some rainbows that fortunately fell into the hands of receivers. This might be the only time that he'll ever be the #1 QB.

C.J. Jones: 4-11, 155 yards, 3 TD
Jordan Johnson: 2-3, 7 yards, TD

4 of the 6 passes that were completed resulted in touchdowns. That's pretty efficient, wouldn't you say?

R.J. Harmon: 2 catches, 19 yards, TD
Jack Barrientez: 1 catch, 76 yards, TD
Tre' Hart: 1 catch, 31 yards, TD
Jared Taylor: 1 catch, 21 yards
C.J. Jones: 1 catch, 15 yards, TD


Keith Watson, in his final game, recorded 4 sacks. Although defensive stats are rarely ever tracked (don't know why it still hasn't caught on), I'm pretty sure that it's a Cy Woods record. Neil Chambers and Jordan Frazier chipped in with a couple of sacks of their own.

Special Teams

Nondescript return game, although C.J. was on the verge of a 60-yard punt return touchdown before he got tripped up by Taye Barber. Kickoffs were rather adventurous, as they muffed a couple that the Panthers ended up reccovering.

Luis Reyes hit 5 extra points. He'll finish this season as Cy Woods' new all-time leader in points scored by a kicker with 143, and he has one more season to add to that total. He also had some excellent punts, averaging 49 yards a boot on the afternoon.

Man of the Match

This goes out to the Class of 2016. For four years, you have built lifelong friendships with your teammates and toiled alongside each other for countless hours with the goal of bettering yourself, not just as a football player, but as a person as well. You all represented Cy Woods with class and have competed fiercely and fearlessly on the gridiron, like those who have come before you.

Although your time playing football at Cy Woods ended much, much earlier than you anticipated, hold your heads high, because you finished as winners.

I hope that when you find yourselves reminiscing over these days years from now, that you remember these days fondly. Remember these friendships that you have built. Remember the hours that you spent in the weight room and on the track in the hopes of becoming a better athlete. Remember the battles that you fought with your brothers. Remember the incredible support of your friends and the community. You will realize that you truly were a part of something special.

In Conclusion....

For many of the players on the Wildcat football team, this is the last time that they will represent Cypress Woods High School in athletics. Some will move on to the hardwood. Others will head to the baseball diamond or the track as they represent this school one more time.

Enjoy the rest of your time in high school. Go to as many basketball/baseball/softball games and as many Cy Woods-related activities as you possibly can. Support your fellow athletes and classmates, because they represent Cy Woods as much as you do. Savor every last moment you spend at Cy Woods.

Of Cypress Woods, we'll always be a part. You may not think that it does right now, but the last 8 words of the school song will resonate with you, long after you leave the school. Trust me on this... I graduated from Cy Woods 5 years ago. I don't even know the lyrics to the school song, but after all this time, I remember the last 8 words to it.

And so, Chapter 8 in the book of Cy Woods football has been completed. The torch is now in the hands of the Class of 2017. See you in the spring for Chapter 9.

Minggu, 01 November 2015

Know Your Enemy: Cypress Springs Panthers

Cypress Woods Wildcats @ Cypress Springs Panthers
1:00 P.M. Saturday, November 7, 2015
Berry Center

Previously on Cy Woods Football...

In a game that we may not see again for decades, Cy Woods fell 74-73 to Jersey Village thanks to an otherworldly performance from Falcon QB Deshun Qualls. Not even otherworldly performances from C.J. Jones and Jordan Johnson were enough for Woods. C.J. rushed for a school-record 346 yards and 4 touchdowns, while Jordan had 199 yards receiving and 3 touchdowns. Bryson Powers ran for 188 and 3 scores of his own. Josh Marvin, a linebacker who had seen the field sparingly before this game, had 2.5 sacks and an interception.

Playoff Update

The Wildcats' playoff hopes, which took a significant hit after their loss to Jersey Village, received a lifeline when Cy Ranch defeated Cy-Fair 26-10 on Saturday afternoon. Once again, the final playoff spot will be decided in the final week of the season. 

A 3-way tie at 5-4 between Cy Woods, Cy-Fair, and Langham Creek is still possible, but since the Wildcats beat both the Lobos and the Bobcats, they would advance in this situation. So....

It all comes down to Friday night's game between Jersey Village and Cy-Fair at Pridgeon Stadium. If the Falcons win, then a Cy Woods win over Cy Springs will put them in the playoffs. On the other hand, if the Bobcats win, the Wildcats will be eliminated, regardless of the result of their game with the Panthers.

However, if Langham Creek wins and Cy Woods and Cy-Fair both lose, then the Lobos would make the playoffs. Why? Well, a loss for Woods will drop them to 4-5 in district play, and Langham defeated Cy-Fair 49-21. 

The Enemy: Cypress Springs Panthers

2014 record: 3-7, 2-7 (8th) in District 17-6A
Did not qualify for playoffs

Cy Springs season-to-date

W 51-12 vs. Mayde Creek
W 48-24 @ Jersey Village
L 56-14 @ Cy-Fair
L 45-28 vs. Cy Ridge
L 63-37 @ Cy Falls
L 59-20 vs. Cy Ranch
L 59-52 @ Cy Creek
W 21-13 vs. Cy Lakes
L 69-36 @ Langham Creek

(A Few) Players to Watch on the Other Side

QB Taye Barber, RB Jonathan Toliver, WR Jah'marea Sheread, WR Donell Dunn, WR O'Shae Clark, WR Drake Carter, OL Marcus Royal, DB Bobby Wilson, DB Abraham Bakare, OL/DL M.J. Tupolo, DE Corey Brown, LB Maveke Kenneh, LB Eric Carter

All-Time Series

Cy Woods leads 7-0.

Previous Meetings

November 6, 2014: Woods 70, Springs 44
October 4, 2013: Woods 57, Springs 14 (Homecoming VI)
October 5, 2012: Woods 48, Springs 13
November 5, 2011: Woods 47, Springs 0
November 6, 2010: Woods 51, Springs 41
October 16, 2009: Woods 23, Springs 13
October 17, 2008: Woods 48, Springs 14 (Homecoming I)

2¢ on Springs

While the Panthers are still trying to break out of the bottom half of the district, there's no doubt that the culture of this program has changed for the better. If I remember correctly, Adam Coleman mentioned that they had the most players (from varsity all the way down to freshmen) in their program. Don't know if that's still true this year, but that is definitely a sign that the kids are buying in to the philosophy that the coaches are pitching.

Donell Dunn was one of the breakout stars in the district in 2014 as he led the way with 1,234 receiving yards. He has put up some solid numbers in 2015 despite getting some extra attention from opposing defenses, and this attention has allowed Drake Carter to flourish, and Jah'marea Sheread, a sophomore, to emerge. O'Shae Clark is another dependable option in the passing game. Having weapons like these guys on the outside is a pretty nice way to break in a sophomore quarterback.

Taye Barber was called up as a freshman late in the 2014 season, and as the running quarterback, he provided Panther fans with an electrifying glimpse of the future. In his first full season on the varsity, he's leading the district in touchdown passes. Barber is, without a doubt, has been one of the breakout players in CFISD in 2015, and he surely has to be the frontrunner for Offensive Newcomer of the Year and an All-District candidate. He will be protected by an offensive line led by Marcus Royal and M.J. Tupolo; Royal was a 1st-team All-District 17-6A selection as a sophomore in 2014.

The Panthers are the district's leading pass defense, but that's also a bit misleading, as they've been sliced and diced in the running game all season. Bobby Wilson is the leader of the Panther secondary. He'll be joined by his younger brother (?), Brandon, and Abraham Bakare. Wilson may be undersized, but he's a fierce competitor. Tupolo is capable of playing both ways. Joining him on the line is Corey Brown, an athletic defensive end. Maveke Kenneh is a two-year starter at linebacker.

Last Time These Two Teams Met

The Wildcats outgunned the Panthers as they scored 63 points in the 1st half on their way to a 70-44 victory. R.J. Harmon ran for 180 yards and 3 touchdowns, while C.J. Jones ran for 124 and one touchdown of his own. C.J. also caught 4 passes for 54 yards and 3 touchdowns.

The 63 1st-half points is a Woods record; the previous mark, 56, was done twice: against Jersey Village in 2008 and Cy Lakes in 2012.

For Freshman Games: Location of Cypress Springs High School

Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2015

Jersey Village 74, Cy Woods 73: Devastating.

2015 Record: 4-5, 4-4 in District 17-6A

Photo by Billy Schuerman, The Crimson Connection

Man... I'm having an incredibly difficult time trying to process this, and I have no idea where to start. This game defied all logic. Name any play and any possible outcome for a play, and this game had it all.

- Both teams combined for 147 points. Will they even come close to this score during basketball season?
- Both teams combined for 1,642 total yards of offense. Or... 0.93 miles.
- Both teams (!!!!!!!) surpassed the district's record for points in a single game.
- Just about every record under the sun (well, technically the moon [no wait, it was cloudy, so we couldn't see the moon]) was broken. Let's just say that both teams' record books weren't the only ones that needed changing after this game....

The 2015 Cypress Woods Wildcats can probably be summed up in one word: almost. Almost completed a comeback against Cy Creek. Almost found a way to escape the highest scoring game in this district's history. Almost clawed their way back from a 1-3 start in district play. But, as we all know, there's no rhyme or reason in this district, so anything and everything can and will happen. Before you go all Jim Mora on me with "PLAYOFFS????????????" just remember that the math says that there's still a chance.

Out of the Wildcats' 5 losses this season.... this one was by far the most devastating. Quite possibly the most devastating loss in Cy Woods' football history. Even a historic night on offense was not enough for Cy Woods.... because Jersey Village's night on offense was even more historic, and that made all the difference in the Falcons' 74-73 victory in a game that the Wildcats sorely needed to win.

Deshun Qualls.... you have to tip your hat to him. He was absolutely sensational for Jersey Village. OK, that's an understatement. His performance in this game probably won't be replicated for decades. Never seen anything like what he did, and I probably won't see anything like that again for 20 years. He made one unbelievable throw after another, and Rokeem Paul, Austin Lynch, and Christian Green made one unbelievable catch after another. He kept plays alive with his feet, and his receivers finished them off. Unreal effort all around.

Qualls joins Collin Rock, Logan Taylor (Cy-Fair 2011-12), and Troy Mitchell (Cy Falls 2010-11), as the only starting quarterbacks in the district to win multiple starts against the Wildcats. However, out of this quartet, Qualls is the only one to go 3-0 against Cy Woods.

So, What Happened Was....

Deshun Qualls became Kyler Murray.

On a little more serious note, this was the most chaotic football game I have ever seen. I have never seen a losing team score 70 points.

It looked as though it would be a blowout early, as the Falcons scored on all 4 of their possessions in the 1st quarter. Deshun Qualls opened up the scoring with a 60-yard touchdown run on 3rd and..... 26. Qualls having a hand in a Jersey Village touchdown would be the running theme of this game. He struck again with a 23-yard touchdown run. Bryson Powers put Woods on the board as he broke ∞ tackles to score from 36 yards out. One play later, Qualls threw a bomb, and Austin Lynch made an off-balance catch, and he somehow regained his balance and broke free for an 82-yard touchdown. Josh Bland scored on a 15-yard run to put JV up 27-7, but C.J. Jones was able to regain some positive momentum for Woods as he had a 10-yard touchdown run.

End 1st: JV 27, Woods 13

C.J.'s first touchdown run sparked a 31-0 run that gave the Wildcats the lead at halftime. Bryson Powers and Jordan Johnson connected for 3 touchdowns. The first went for 48 yards, and the other two capped off one-play drives good for 62 and 60 yards. Bryson also had a 1-yard TD run. Qualls found Christian Green, who dove to make a 13-yard touchdown catch shortly before halftime to snap the run.

Halftime: Woods 38, JV 33

Qualls opened up the scoring in the 2nd half when he hit Rokeem Paul for 76 yards. Then, he found Austin Lynch again, this time from 59 yards out. Bryson responded with a 4-yard scoring run. Qualls had the Falcons on the move again, but that drive ended abruptly after Bland coughed up the ball, and Trent Bird fell on it. Two plays later, C.J. Jones left everyone in the dust, scoring on an 85-yard run. Qualls found Christian Green for the 2nd time; that was a 22-yard connection. The Wildcats blocked what would have been the go-ahead extra point, so we entered the final 12 minutes in a deadlock.

End 3rd: Woods 52, JV 52

On the first play of the 4th quarter, Rokeem Paul won a jumpball battle with Jordan Johnson at the Cy Woods 5. Josh Bland coughed up the ball once again at the goal line, and Jordan emerged with the ball and returned it all the way down to the Falcons' 33-yard line. C.J. turned that takeaway into points with a 10-yard run. But, Deshun Qualls had an answer for everything. His next answer was a 2-yard touchdown run. C.J., however, kept Woods in the lead by blocking the extra point. Terrell Brown picked up the loose ball and almost gave the Wildcats 2 points, but he was caught at the 15-yard line of Jersey Village. One play later, C.J. scored on a 75-yard scamper. Again, he outran everyone. On the ensuing Falcon possession, Josh Marvin had a huge interception. Unfortunately, this takeaway turned into a giveaway, as C.J. put the ball on the ground inside the Falcon 5, and Juwan Morgan recovered, and returned it to the Woods 35. Morgan actually lost the ball himself, but Clabe Holmes backed him up. And on the next Falcon drive, Qualls scored to tie the game at 66. Bryson responded.... well, he coughed it up in the end zone, and Skylar Schulz had a chance to recover it, but it skipped off of his hands, as well. Ultimately, Jonathan Laven, the center, emerged from the pile with the ball, and well... that's a touchdown.

Unfortunately, the Wildcat defense could not stop the ensuing Jersey Village possession, which turned out to be the decisive drive of the game. Qualls (who else) capped it off by finding Christian Green for the 3rd time in this game, and he (again, who else) put the Falcons in front with a 2-point conversion.

The Wildcats were left with 69 seconds on the clock. Play #1 started off well enough, as C.J. ran for 8 yards. An incomplete pass brought up 3rd down. C.J. failed to get back to the line of scrimmage on a play that Woods ran at least 50 times in this game, and that set up a 4th down, which saw Bryson's pass fall to the ground, incomplete. Jaylen Miller, who attended Cy Woods for 3 years, broke up the pass and made the play that sent his friends to a crushing defeat.

Final: JV 74, Woods 73


C.J. Jones and Bryson Powers had their way with the Falcon defense. C.J. ran for 346 yards on 32 carries and scored 4 touchdowns. It's the 2nd time in which he has scored 4 rushing touchdowns in a single game, and the 346 yards is a new Cy Woods single-game record. Meanwhile, Bryson ran for 188 and 3 touchdowns on 24 carries.

In all, the Wildcats ran for 547 yards, which is a new team single-game record. The previous high was 464 in the 2011 regular-season finale against Cy Springs.

And yet... it was not enough.

C.J. Jones: 32 carries, 346 yards, 4 TD
Bryson Powers: 24 carries, 188 yards, 3 TD
R.J. Harmon: 2 carries, 13 yards


Jordan Johnson had a night to remember as he caught 4 passes for 199 yards and 3 touchdowns. He's now tied with Gary Tesch for the most receiving touchdowns in Cy Woods history. Jordan also tied the Cy Woods single-season record for most receiving touchdowns in a single season with 10, which had been shared by Fredrick Anderson and Gary.

And yet... it was not enough.

Bryson Powers: 5-13, 217 yards, 3 TD, INT

Jordan Johnson: 4 catches, 199 yards, 3 TD
Jack Barrientez: 1 catch, 18 yards


They allowed 886 yards. That's their story for this game. They had their moments where they punished Deshun Qualls, but they were at his mercy all night long.

Josh Marvin, a seldom-used senior linebacker who found himself pressed into duty, had the game of his life as he got 2.5 sacks and an interception. If only he could've run that pick back for a touchdown.....

Interceptions: Josh Marvin 1 (returned 30 yards)

If only Jordan could've run the fumble he recovered back for a touchdown....

Fumbles recovered: Trent Bird 1, Jordan Johnson 1 (returned 67 yards), Jonathan Laven (fell on ball in endzone for a touchdown)

Sacks: Josh Marvin 2.5 (35 yards lost), Neil Chambers 1 (1 yard lost), Trent Bird 0.5 (5 yards lost), Brandon Love 0.5 (5 yards lost)

They also got to Qualls for a 14 yard loss in the 2nd (I think Marvin was in on that play) and another time for 3 yards in the 3rd.

Special Teams

Luis Reyes made 5 extra points, and he is now the highest-scoring kicker in Cy Woods history with 138 points. The previous record for points scored by a Wildcat kicker (career) was 133. That record was held by my good friend, Andrew Klink.

If only C.J. could've picked up that blocked extra point cleanly.....

If only Terrell Brown had enough left in his tank to run another blocked extra point back for 2 points....


Parents, if you're going to let your kids run around during the game (I have no earthly idea as to why you would allow them to do this in the first place, but I guess this lack of understanding comes from me not being a parent so I wouldn't know...), please, PLEASE, keep an eye on them.

During this game, I saw two little girls slip off the bleachers (in the lower section) and hit themselves on the cement. Yes, they were being watched over. Thankfully, neither of them seemed to be seriously hurt.

Looking Ahead

The Wildcats will wrap up the 2015 regular season at the Berry Center on Saturday, November 7, against the Cy Springs Panthers. Kickoff is at 1:00. Depending on what happens with Cy-Fair, this game may serve as the swan song for the Class of 2016.

Minggu, 25 Oktober 2015

Know Your Enemy: Jersey Village Falcons

Week 10: Cypress Woods Wildcats vs. Jersey Village Falcons
7:00 PM, Friday, October 30, 2015
Pridgeon Stadium

Previously on Cy Woods Football...

The Wildcats still have a pulse in the playoff race, and a 44-7 demolition of Cy-Fair on Thursday at the Berry Center confirmed that. C.J. Jones ran roughshod on the Bobcats to the tune of 180 yards and a touchdown on 21 carries. Jordan Johnson caught 2 passes; both of them were touchdowns. 

On defense, Woods held Fair to just 202 yards of total offense and kept them confined to their own side of midfield for virtually the entire game. 

The Enemy: Jersey Village Falcons

2014 record: 6-4, 5-4 (5th) in District 17-6A
Did not qualify for playoffs

Jersey Village season-to-date

L 30-27 @ Cinco Ranch
L 48-24 vs. Cy Springs
L 45-21 @ Cy Ridge
L 38-35 vs. Cy Falls
L 42-21 @ Cy Ranch
L 42-37 vs. Cy Creek
W 45-21 @ Cy Lakes
L 54-35 vs. Langham Creek

(A Few) Players to Watch on the Other Side

QB Deshun Qualls, WR Rokeem Paul, WR Brandon Major, WR Austin Lynch, WR/RB Josh Bland, OL Aires Gardner, DL Alex Turner, DL Greyson Newton, DL Jacob Clarkson, DB Clabe Holmes IV, DB Juwan Morgan, DB Mason Mireles, DB Jaylen Miller

All-Time Series

Cy Woods leads 5-2.

Previous Meetings

October 31, 2014: JV 44, Woods 38
November 9, 2013: JV 42, Woods 0
November 10, 2012: Woods 35, JV 14
October 1, 2011: Woods 63, JV 24
October 2, 2010: Woods 35, JV 14
October 3, 2009: Woods 31, JV 13
October 4, 2008: Woods 56, JV 6

2¢ on Jersey Village

The Falcons, like many of the teams in this district, harbored playoff aspirations. Unfortunately, a dreadful start knocked them out of the race early. This, however, is a team that has taken the last two meetings from Cy Woods after the Wildcats had completely dominated the series in the first 5 years.

Deshun Qualls enters his 3rd season as the face of the Falcons. He's their do-it-all guy and is one of the most exciting players in the district. Qualls welcomes back his top 4 receivers: Rokeem Paul, Brandon Major, Austin Lynch, and Josh Bland. Qualls to Paul was a common sight during Falcons games in 2014 as they built a great rapport together, and it's been more of the same in 2015. Gardner is the anchor of the offensive line.

Clabe Holmes, Juwan Morgan, and Mason Mireles are all veterans in the Falcon secondary. Jaylen Miller spent his first 3 years of high school at Cy Woods before moving to Jersey Village as a senior. The Falcons also sport a solid front line featuring Newton, Clarkson, and Turner.

Last Time These Two Teams Met

The Wildcats held a 14-3 lead after the first quarter, but Deshun Qualls took over afterwards as Jersey Village outscored Cy Woods 35-10 between the 2nd and 3rd quarters. The Falcons tacked on another score in the 4th to go up 44-24, but the Wildcats managed to launch a comeback bid that ultimately fell just short. They couldn't get the final stop they so desperately needed in order to give the offense a shot at completing the comeback, and they fell by a final score of 44-38.

For JV games: Location of Jersey Village High School