Sabtu, 26 November 2016




In the characteristics of Sundanese culture itself has capabilities that make it a living power for the people, which include such as: Ability to coordinate and organize, defined as the ability to interact socially. Adaptability, understood as the ability of consciousness to creatively address the challenges of the situation, the challenges of the times and the challenges of a wide range of association. Mobility, defined as the ability to creatively create social mobility, political, and economic, both horizontally and vertically. The ability to grow and develop, defined as the ability of consciousness to always forward, always expanding and the insight into his thoughts always offer fresh and new capabilities regeneration, understood as the ability to encourage the emergence of a new generation of creative and productive.
In addition to the power of life, another element that is also important in a culture is the quality of life. Quality of life is not the perfection but rather interpreted as a habit. As for toxicity in human life is a harmonious collaboration of three aspects, namely:
Ø Responsibility, defined as an awareness to always implement the obligations in full compliance with its social responsibility.
Ø Idealism, interpreted as a definition of a person's life attitude in taking the desert and wilderness life. Idealism and a source of inner self satisfaction.
Ø Spontaneity, interpreted as an expression of human instinct and intuition. Without spontaneity will lead to a life becomes dry and tasteless.
has high cultural value, is characterized by the Sundanese culture has been written culture known since ancient times. The messages of the ancestors of the Sunda shows that the meaning possessed of Sundanese cultural significance classified into high value and strategic as well as highly respected by the community. The moral is initially limited only to the people of the Sunda kingdom proved to have universal value that can also be used as a model by the Sundanese ethnic communities outside of us always being nice treat nature. Because of the conscience of every community living creatures, including humans, who and how small order of life always requires a balanced, harmonious and harmony.
In the course of the values ​​and religious traditions of the Sundanese people continue to experience the process of development in accordance with the changing times. Religion Islam is the majority religion Sundanese people today. In its application, the religious development as occurs in Sundanese community is actually a process of development of the myths people who essentially are always looking for a balanced relationship between the shape of human existence with the natural environment.
The high Sundanese culture as familiar written culture, written culture which has been known since ancient times embodied in various forms of inscriptions seem to have less and less visible in public life Sunda today. Reality fourth condition vitality owned by Sundanese culture in dealing with various forms of challenges. Adaptability of Sundanese culture, especially in response to the emerging challenges, both from within and from outside it can be said that the display shows kmasyarakat so encouraging. In fact, such as Sundanese culture does not have the power of life when faced with the challenges from outside. As a result, it is not surprising that more and more elements of Sundanese culture that start erased by foreign cultures.
As the most obvious example is the Sundanese language is the language of the Sundanese community appears explicitly increasingly rarely used by the owners themselves, especially the younger generation Sunda. And the more concern, use of Sundanese in daily communication is sometimes identified with "backwardness", not to say primitive. The result is a sense of pride in the community for the use of Sundanese Sundanese in everyday interaction. In fact, a sense of "pride" is sometimes found also in those who actually are experts in the field of Sundanese, including to simply admit that he is an expert background or expertise in the field of language.
Therefore, let alone outside the community of Sunda, in Sundanese community itself, the Sundanese culture often become strange. Ability to grow and expand the Sundanese culture can also be said to show the view is no less alarming. Never talk new ideas, willingness to preserve what has been owned only be said to be very weak. Sundanese culture was apparently seen the community provides the space for the process, it can be said to be one of the causes of vulnerability of Sundanese culture in the process of regeneration. As a result, become Sundanese culture stuttering regeneration.
New generations of the Sundanese people like not given open space to compete with the healthy, just due to the strong seniority as well as "too rapid advancement of" the thinking of the new generation, which is often at odds with the norms that owned the previous generation. As a result, it is not surprising that the process over the generations in various fields and walking with halting.
Viewing vitality of Sundanese culture that shows only the findings are quite alarming, the same thing also happened in the aspect of quality of life were used to explore the Sundanese culture, both from the aspect of responsibility, idealism and spontaneity. Weak sense of responsibility not only caused by the lack of spaces and the freedom to carry out the obligations in total and irresponsible but also by a lack of capacity to implement an obligation.

