It began as all fires do,
a spark soon ignited into a blaze of warmth and colourful delight.
You held my hand, became my friend,
earned my trust and my future once again looked bright.
Loneliness turned to hope,
emptiness filled up with dreams.
Hunger was satisfied,
and the darkness lit by love's moonbeams.
Tears no longer hit the ground,
they fall on your loving shoulder.
I feel younger,
as our love grows older.
When sorrow leaves me wilted as a sun-parched rose,
your comfort is a river that flows and flows.
The sun's light, the morning dew,
they are all the beauty that is you.
When passion ebbs,
as tides do,
love fills the wake,
and carries us through.
Your strength is as the oak,
but if it is my need you bend like the willow.
My heart is filled,
like a lucky sail with wind to billow.
Harsh cold winters,
wet springs, blissful summer heat, and the fall of time,
They'll weather my spirit,
with grace and peace, your hand in mine.
Our love's sweet creations, joyous children,
blessed am I thanks to God and you.
What greater beauty could shed light,
on the love that came from two.
Love's sweet reflection,
laughing, growing, thriving, learning.
Words cannot express what my heart feels,
how strong my love is burning.
When God took one home,
I felt my heart would never again see the sun.
But you, my love, walked with me, through the sadness,
and together we share the memories that keep our family one.
The lines of age will etch their mark on us
and time will take the strength from our bodies.
But love's brush will paint for us a picture of such beauty,
That a hundred lifetimes could not remove their glory.
Rabu, 22 Juli 2009
My Friend My Love
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