Kamis, 16 Juli 2009


I get approached a lot for blogging and branding advice.

One of the number one questions I get asked:

“I feel like my blog is all over the place.
How do I get my blog more focused?”

First, I’ll say that I can completely see why this is a quandary.

Everywhere you look, you’ll find a blogger complaining that blogs have become too commercial, not authentic, or don’t share enough personal TMI (Too Much Information) tidbits anymore. Then you’ll read another blogger that talks about how your blog should just focus on one topic and one topic alone.

I’m sorry, but what the heck?

Those that complain that blogs aren’t what they used to be and that they’re disgusted by what they’ve become, I’ve got one word for you.


If we look at the big picture, we’ll see that more people have access (thankfully) to the internet than they did even a few years ago. More people own mobile devices that allow for web access on the run. And diversity of content has increased immensely. I feel a little redundant saying what I’m about to say next, but I’ll say it anyway.

Video killed the radio star.

And guess what’s killing who now?

So, my dear comrades wondering how to get more focused, find your niche, please the masses.


When you hang out with your friends, do you only talk about one topic?


Do you share every private detail about what goes on behind closed doors at your house? You may or may not.

Some people plan their posts in advance, they create an editorial calendar if you will. Most of the time, I write what I’m thinking about that day. And a lot of times, it has to do with marketing, blogging, social media, and work/life balance. And if you ask any of my friends that interact with me in person, they’ll tell you that it’s what I talk about a lot in person, too.

It’s what I’m passionate about.

To you, your blog may feel like it’s all over the place. But you know what? I like your blog. I see that you’re human. I’d rather read your blog that’s all over the place than one that constantly talks about how the “new” bloggers are ruining it for the “old” bloggers.

The more you blog, the more your posts will reflect your voice. And your voice is what I want to hear.

And if your voice tends to talk more about one subject than another because it’s what you’re passionate about, even better!

The most important thing to me is that you stay true to who you are. Whether you approach your blog as a personal memoir, a form of therapy, or a business…stand behind it and support others that do the same, even if their approach is different than yours.

