Minggu, 09 Oktober 2016

Before calling Ahok, Criminal wait for the results of the reporting


Before calling Ahok, Criminal wait for the results of the reporting
Directorate General Crime (Dittipidum) Criminal Investigation Police have not scheduled inspection of Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) as reported on the case of alleged blasphemy of Surah Al Maidah verse 51. Police are still awaiting the results of the examination of the witnesses of the complainant.

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"Later, we will see, this case can be upgraded to the investigation or the results of their testimony (witness)," Director General Crime Criminal Investigation Police, Brigadier Agus Andrianto when confirmed, Jakarta, Monday (10/10).

Agus said that the process of examination of Ahok is still very long. Therefore, he was not sure when Ahok diperika for questioning related to the video.

"If later checked us see the growth process is still an investigation, is still very long," he said.

General Star revealed that the police have decided to probe the alleged blasphemy case was handled by the Criminal Investigation Police Dittipidum. Agus hope that this case is not linked to the political sphere.

"It's been handled and submit it to us means that we are ready to be watched. This is the sensitive issue of religion, public officials are also sensitive," he said.

"We must be careful not to become a political, legal issues may be brought baseball to politics," said Agus.

As is known, video Basuki statement or familiarly called Ahok related Surat Al Maidah verse 51 makes climate elections in 2017 DKI not cool. In fact, this issue has come to the level of the law. Ahok number of organizations reported to the authorities.

