Senin, 15 November 2010

November's Wishlist

With the same format as my October's Wishlist, here is a list of things that I wanna accomplish in November 2010:
  1. Have a more-than-average kind of grade for my Mid Term Test starting from November 12th to November 22nd. I know that I didn't study hard for my previous exams (Sales Management, Marketing, and Good Corporate Governance) and have a feeling that I won't study hard too for upcoming exams, but at least I do the test by myself, WITHOUT CHEATING or USING CHEAT-SHEET FROM LECTURERS!
  2. Have a great 20th birthday. It falls on this November 27th, and as I view the age (20) as a starting point of transformation from late teenagers to legal adult, I expect to have a nice birthday: Not a birthday with nasty surprises here and there (no flour, egg, water, and soy sauce allowed! Erk!), but more like a birthday where my precious people will surround me and wish me maturity and prosperity.
  3. Get a meaningful gift for my father. How I love this assertive man who always works hard to earn money for his family and gives me his unconditional, familial love. Yet, I can't reciprocate all his sacrifice since I have no personal income and still depend on him. Hopefully one nice surprise that I got in the end of October will help me pace one step closer in paying him back both in financial and emotional ways.
  4. Get more money in legal way. Again haha. People can argue that money isn't everything, but I think my life will be better off if I have more money: I can increase the quality of life, improve my knowledge (by buying books or entering a course, paid with the money), or even help other people needing it for various reasons.
  5. Win some competitions. Will enter a Business Plan Competition held by some universities this month along with Tia and Vita (another university mate), and we must win them all! Pray for us, pretty please? :)
  6. Get a part-time job concerning market research, project management, and community care! Have already prepared CV in both English and Bahasa to support this wish, and although my experiences and accomplishments are not extravagant enough, I do proud of them.
And that's the list, six points acting as a personal guidance to reach better future. Kindly remind me to work hard in order to achieve all of them, will you?

