Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013

The market for votes in Batemans Bay


By ABC's Michael Rowland Fri 23 Aug 2013

Stallholders and visitors at the markets in Batemans Bay are more than happy to talk politics. Photo: Stallholders and visitors at the markets in Batemans Bay are more than happy to talk politics. (Michael Rowland)

In an electorate which is essentially a microcosm of Australia, voters tell Michael Rowland why they think Labor should get more credit on the economy and why they think Tony Abbott is misunderstood.

Batemans Bay retiree Peter Bashford has been proudly making intricate wooden clocks for 10 years. They are quite amazing works of art, and he sells them at a stall at the local high school markets on Sundays.

"This keeps me out of the kitchen," he says with a smile as he deals with customers. "I would be lost without it."

With time counting down to election day, Peter has yet to make up his mind whom to vote for in the bellwether seat of Eden-Monaro, but he reckons the Labor government has got a bad rap on its management of the economy.

"I think they have been very unlucky with the world circumstances they have had to deal with. You have just got to do the best you can," he says.

Although he says he's not impressed with the way things have played out in Canberra over the past few years, he's not sold on Tony Abbott.

"I would not trust the other people to guarantee what they talk about. He's negative. Far too negative. He's been like that all the time and he doesn't come up with any real solutions," he says.

Discussing politics on the idyllic Batemans Bay foreshore on a gloriously sunny day seems almost wrong, but stallholders and visitors are more than happy to weigh in. This is, after all, the electorate that has accurately reflected the national result for 40 years.

Former army officer Mike Kelly won the seat in the 2007 Ruddslide and managed to increase his margin, to 4.2 per cent, in 2010. Ex-Liberal staffer and business lobbyist Peter Hendy hopes the pendulum swings the other way on September 7.

Just across the way from Peter's tables of clocks is leather goods retailer Heidi Pohlsen. She has lived in Batemans Bay for 51 years and believes it's time for a change.

"I find a lot of the local businesses are struggling and a bit insecure about what the future is going to be. We need the Libs here in Batemans Bay," she says.

Chris Ruszala takes a break from the sausage sizzle to express his concerns about the local economy.

"There seems to be a lot of small businesses missing out here. We have seen a lot of businesses come and go. Restaurants change hands every year," he says.

He's leaning towards the Liberal Party and talks about a past connection with its leader.

"I know Tony Abbott from years ago when I first came to Australia and played Rugby at Manly (in Sydney). He played a bit of Union with Manly too," he says.

Discussing politics on the idyllic Batemans Bay foreshore on a gloriously sunny day seems almost wrong. Photo: Discussing politics on the idyllic Batemans Bay foreshore on a gloriously sunny day seems almost wrong. (Michael Rowland)

Unprompted, Chris offers a free character assessment.

"I think he can be seen to be a bit tough around the edges and maybe not as diplomatic as he ought to be," he says.

"I think sometimes he can be a bit abrasive and that can give people the wrong impression, sometimes with the females as you know. But I think underneath all of that he is an honourable and decent family man."

There are other candidates of course in this critical contest and that is heartening news for Sunshine Bay plumber Geoff Frazer. He's voting for the Palmer United Party.

"I think we are going nowhere. It is more a protest vote I guess. Nothing ever changes," he says.

Geoff says he's sick of the broken promises and of politicians giving themselves big pay rises. Geoff believes Clive Palmer's policies resemble those of Pauline Hanson's in the 1990s.

"I was always a supporter of hers. It is unfair to call her a racist," he says.

The diversity of views is no surprise in an electorate that's essentially a microcosm of Australia. Stretching from the majestic south coast to the snowfields near Cooma with farmland in between, it is a lot of country for the candidates to canvass.

And that is why the result in Eden-Monaro will be one of the most eagerly anticipated on election night.

You can set your watch to it.

Michael Rowland has presented ABC News Breakfast since the launch of ABC News 24 in July 2010. View his full profile here.

The market for votes in Batemans Bay - The Drum (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

