Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Day 167 - 168: Class, Reading & Good TV

Day 167: Last day of audition bootcamp and I'm sad it's over already. Today we were put on camera which is always eye-opening and somewhat difficult to watch yourself. The girls read from Cougartown and the guys read from The Mentalist so we had mixture of comedy and drama. As always, it was great to see the transformation from when we read at the beginning of class to when we read at the end of class. I'm still having a hard time with the comedy technique but I'm getting better at it and I know the more I work at it, the more natural and second nature it will eventually become. We all agreed that this class was worth the investment, not only because we all learned something each week, but more importantly because of the safe environment that Stan has created. Don't get me wrong, he will give it to you straight which we all appreciated. But he's honest without being mean-spirited so you're not afraid to just try it and see what happens. Plus we got a chance each week to see how the two other teachers, Elaine & Dajuan, work so that we can see if we can connect and learn from them as well. Needless to say, I'll be continuing in one of the ongoing classes. 

Day 168: Read Hollywood Reporter {I love that my night job has a subscription!} and watched a marathon of Game of Thrones. If you don't have cable please find it somewhere online, this is must-see TV!! 

