Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

Mengubah Wajah Industri Telekomunikasi di Indonesia dengan New Wave Marketing

Sehubungan dengan sifatnya yang rawan akan kompetisi, memasuki tahun 2011, beberapa pemain di kancah industri telekomunikasi Indonesia pun mulai berbenah dengan melakukan brainstorming serta benchmarking untuk kemudian menemukan model bisnis yang paling tepat. Secara umum, model bisnis yang dapat diterapkan di era globalisasi dan termasuk ke dalam kategori best practiced ada tiga macam: product management, brand management, dan customer management yang kemudian dijalankan sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip good corporate governance. Akan tetapi, penerapan model bisnis ini saja tidak akan akan mampu mencapai target industri tanpa diimbangi oleh strategi khusus, terutama di bidang marketing, yang terintegrasi dengan kondisi terkini di Indonesia.

Lalu apakah strategi khusus di bidang marketing yang dapat diterapkan oleh industri telekomunikasi Indonesia?

Adalah Hermawan Kertajaya, Presiden MarkPlus, Inc. yang berhasil menjawab pertanyaan tersebut dengan meluncurkan suatu konsep marketing baru bernama new wave marketing. Dalam presentasinya di MarkPlus Conference 2011, beliau menjelaskan bahwa konsep new wave marketing ini lahir bukan dengan begitu saja tanpa alasan, melainkan menyesuaikan dengan beberapa perubahan revolusioner yang terjadi di Indonesia beberapa tahun belakangan. Adapun perubahan-perubahan revolusioner itu kemudian dirangkumnya menjadi satu istilah singkat: 3C (Connected, Credible, dan Creative).

Connected dalam 3C sebenarnya mengacu pada kondisi mulai menjamurnya sistem pembayaran elektronik di Indonesia (e-payment gateway) untuk berbagai jenis pengeluaran, mulai dari tagihan listrik hingga pembayaran tol. Bukan hanya itu, terjadi peningkatan jumlah pengguna media sosial yang secara aktif melakukan komunikasi atau bahkan transaksi bisnis satu sama lain. Banyaknya jumlah pengguna smartphone dan tablet PC seperti Blackberry dan iPad juga merupakan salah satu indikator betapa connected-nya masyarakat Indonesia dibandingkan tahun-tahun sebelumnya.

Berbeda dengan connected, credible dalam 3C mengacu pada situasi politik, ekonomi, dan sosio-kultural Indonesia yang mulai membaik jika dibandingkan dengan era Orde Baru atau reformasi tahap awal. Jika dahulu Indonesia masih rawan akan konflik, krisis ekonomi, dan perseteruan antar ras, pada saat ini jumlah kesemuanya menurun meski belum bisa mencapai angka nol. Bukan hanya itu, pada tahun ini pula muncul pergerakan "Cinta Indonesia" seperti #IndonesiaUnite dengan pemrakarsa Pandji yang telah menarik perhatian kaum muda dan berhasil meraih banyak dukungan.

Adapun creative pada 3C mengacu pada peningkatan urban movement (dari angka 42,4% meningkat menjadi 49,9% sesuai data statistik BPS yang diambil pada bulan Mei 2010), middle-class-emergence (mencapai 18,3 juta orang pada tahun 2009), dan Youth-Women-Citizen (YWN) supremacy (42% youth adalah early adopters, 84% wanita merupakan pengatur budget dalam rumah tangga, dan 40% netizen terlibat aktif akan diskusi mengenai suatu produk tertentu) di Indonesia dibanding tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Generasi ini dianggap lebih kreatif dibanding masyarakat yang tergabung dalam kelompok rural, lower-class, dan senior-men-citizen, dan merupakan pemrakarsa dari industri kreatif yang kehadirannya sangat didukung oleh pemerintah karena mampu mendongkrak perekonomian nasional.

Dalam menghadapi perubahan-perubahan revolusioner ini, strategi-strategi khusus yang dapat diambil adalah sebagai berikut:

Focus on YWN Subcultures
Berkenaan dengan tingginya supremasi kalangan YWN yang juga diprediksi akan terus meningkat bahkan hingga tahun 2025, industri telekomunikasi pun harus memfokuskan perhatiannya akan niche ini. Adapun program-program yang bisa diterapkan antara lain meluncurkan paket telekomunikasi yang murah meriah untuk kalangan youth, paket spesial untuk women, dan paket internet yang cepat untuk kalangan netizen. Adapun untuk mempertahankan loyalty setiap kalangan ini, industri telekomunikasi bisa memberlakukan sistem first come first serve: customer yang telah menggunakan jasa telekomunikasi dari industri tertentu dalam kurun waktu yang cukup lama (hingga bertahun-tahun) akan mendapatkan paket yang lebih wah dibanding customer yang baru.

Prepare for Digital Interactivity (Screen-to-Face)
Adanya perkembangan teknologi yang pesat membuat komunikasi bisa dilakukan via screen-to-face, tidak lagi face-to-face. Industri telekomunikasi pun harus pintar-pintar memanfaatkan hal ini: mereka harus mampu menciptakan situs web maupun iklan yang informatif namun tetap persuasif dan interaktif.

Promote Urban Lifestyle
Industri telekomunikasi harus rajin mengadakan kerja sama dengan event-event bertemakan fashion, entertainment, dan socialization seperti Jakarta Fashion Week, Blogger Yard Sale, Jakarta Culinary Festival, dan sebagainya. Adapun XL sendiri telah menerapkan strategi ini dengan menjadi sponsor acara Pesta Blogger+ 2010 yang diadakan pada tanggal 30 Oktober 2010.

Use Local Content and Context
Berkenaan dengan munculnya semangat nasionalisme di masyarakat Indonesia pada saat ini, industri telekomunikasi bisa memanfaatkannya misalkan dengan cara meluncurkan paket kartu bertemakan Indonesian Heritage atau bahkan edisi timnas mengikuti kesuksesesan Indonesia menjadi runner-up Piala AFF.

Consider Channel Mobility
Setiap industri telekomunikasi seluler harus mengetahui secara detail luas jangkauan jaringan industrinya untuk memperbesar peluang mendapatkan customer dari berbagai penjuru daerah di Indonesia. Jumlah customer service dan juga tower penangkap sinyal di setiap daerah pun harus diperbanyak untuk memberikan kenyamanan dan fasilitas terbaik bagi customer.

Offer Affordable Luxuries
Memberikan kemewahan dengan harga terjangkau terutama untuk kalangan Middle Class yang sekarang jumlahnya jauh lebih banyak darinya Lower Class. Kalangan Middle Class diyakini memiliki pemikiran yang lebih kreatif sehingga terbuka akan segala bentuk teknologi dan memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang tinggi serta tidak segan-segan mencoba hal yang baru. Adapun cara yang bisa dilakukan di antaranya adalah menawarkan program bundling yang lebih murah dibanding harus membeli satuan.

Identity Personification
Jangan menggunakan terlalu banyak hiperbola dalam beriklan, karena dengan munculnya generasi yang lebih smart dan analitik dalam berpikir, iklan seperti itu justru bisa menurunkan kualitas dari industri telekomunikasi itu sendiri. Untuk kasus XL, coba tampilkan kisah nyata dari pemakai XL terutama pemakai setia sebagai bentuk apresiasi akan kesetiaan mereka.

Proactive Engagement
Berikan servis lebih, sekarang sudah zamannya customer care bukan customer service. Jangan hanya menyelesaikan aduan, tapi berikan nilai tambah yang lain.

Shared Resources
Mengadakan kerjasama dengan perusahaan lain seperti program bundling. Akan tetapi kerjasama ini juga harus ditelaah terlebih dahulu karena jika nantinya terjadi kesalahan, citra industri telekomunikasi akan turun begitu pula hubungan dengan perusahaan yang diajak bekerja sama akan memburuk.

Jika setiap industri telekomunikasi seluler di Indonesia, termasuk XL, berhasil menerapkan kesembilan strategi yang telah dijabarkan serta menyesuaikannya dengan kondisi terkini di Indonesia, maka kesuksesan dalam hal meraih market share terbanyak bukan lagi impian. Bahkan tidak hanya adalam hal market share, mereka bahkan bisa menguasai mind share (brand awareness) dan heart share (loyalty) masyarakat Indonesia.

Jakarta, 31 Desember 2010

Riska Kusuma Wardhani

Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

satu hari di hari minggu


kirenye ni post pertama sewaktu kte mbawa diri ke sini..bw diri sgtla ye..a'ah..mmg niat pun nk bw diri kunun2..pastu dh tcampak kt cni gara2 dicampak sementara oleh kompeni kte..heheh :D
nk bcerita..kisah manusia..
mcm2 alkisahnya manusia ni..ade bbrp teman yg kte ketemu msti xlps dgn statement..
"waa..mcm2 org awk kenal eh?mne jmpe sume2 tuh?"

mcm mne kte bleh knl mcm2 org?..gini kisahnya..
kte dr kecik sorg yg pemalu (penah dikisahkan sblm ni kan)..pabila start krg malu n petah bkata2, kte ske la nk bckp n btegur sapa..nilah rahsia rmai org ske bckp ngn kte (dan x krg jgk yg benci/anti dgn kte)..kte x pilih org utk btegur..sume kte lyn..nape nk pilih?kdg2 cube bygkan..kna cmpak kat mne2 tanah kt mukabumi ni n anda keseorangan..haruskah anda pilih org utk btanye?slmbe je kan..asal bleh tnye, jln la..agar x sesat jln..mgkin anda ngelak utk btanye pd org2 yg b'tatu penuh bdn/muka ala2 taiko besar/muka nk 'mkn-org' atau sape2 yg rase bleh mganggu ketenangan jiwa lps je anda sapa depa..betul kan..x kesah la..tp prinsip kte, slagi org tu x cari psl n bleh tlg kte, kte xkan takut utk btanye..kte manusia sama je pun..yg mbezakan manusia adalah cara b'fikir..cane nk b'fikir sama?ilmu di dada..pengalaman..klu kte dh tetapkan utk rasional/positif, setiap org msti xkan gaduh pnye..wpun sama level kekayaan/pangkat..tp hakikat kehidupan, setiap benda ada lebih kurang..manusia saling melengkapi..itu juga fungsi setiap benda saling bgantungan..x kira makhluk bnyawa ataupun mesin robot yg byk mbantu kehidupan (wpun bhn ciptaan manusia juga)..

jwb x soklan?nape kte jmpe mcm2 jenis org?gitula kisahnya..

tp kan..nape org tu dh blaja tinggi2..keje bagus2..tp masih krg pd pemikirannya..hidup kan utk melengkapi..masih lg org2 ni takde sensitiviti dlm pgaulan..mcm la die bleh idup sorang2..ya betul..mmg skrang dia bleh..tp die x penah pikir ke, sekiranya jd ape2 nti, die masih perlukan bantuan org lain..atau die slambe je nk btahan dgn sikap degil atau pentingkan diri nih..(woo..kte degil gak tp bpada2 la)..hmm..kirenye kte nk mluahkan perasaan tpendam ni sbb kte dh x thn lg nk idup dgn org mcm ni..kte pn dh mls nk amik kesah ape nk jd ngn org2 gini..sbb dorg sndiri pn x heran kalu kte heran dgn perangai dorg tuh..isk.wpun sbenanye kte nk tlg org2 gini tp kte dh mls..biarla dorg sedar sndiri..

arini gak..kte nk ucapkan tahniah pd kwn lama kt um, gina & amilin..smlm dh slmt nikah..td sempat g knduri dorg kt bau..1st time gak attend knduri kt swak ni..dan sgtlah muhibah kerna mak bride ni cina, maka ramaila sdara mara sekaum memenuhi dewan..kte siap mkn semeja ngn sdara dorg lg..yg plg menarik, doa pengantin duo-version..ada mandarin gak..hehe..tahniah dan slamat melayari bahtera pkahwinan yg indah sahabatku!

Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010

And then there were three: Cher Lloyd's X Factor dream is over as she's sent packing

By Chris Johnson

-Matt Cardle, Rebecca Ferguson and One Direction through to tonight's grand finale

-Rihanna, Christina Aguilera, Robbie Williams and will.i.am join final four on stage

-But Christina and Rihanna raise eyebrows with very racy pre-watershed solo performances

Scroll down to see video of the performances:

Sent packing: Cher Lloyd was given the boot from the X Factor last night in the first part of the weekend's final showdown, seen here being consoled by host Dermot O'Leary and mentor Cheryl Cole

After coming in the bottom two twice during the contest, she knew her chances of winning were slim.

And last night Cher Lloyd saw her X Factor dream come to an end as she was sent packing in the first part of the weekend's final showdown.

The 17-year-old hopeful from Malvern, Worcestershire, was the bookie's favourite to face the chop tonight and, predictably, received the least number of viewer votes, sealing her fate.

Battling for the X Factor crown: The judges watch on as the three remaining acts stood in a line on the stage, from left, Matt, Rebecca and One Direction

It now means Matt Cardle, Rebecca Ferguson and boyband One Direction will battle to win the show on tomorrow night's grand finale.

For what turned out to be her last stand, Cher performed two songs, kicking off with a mash-up of The Belle Stars Clapping Song and Missy Elliot Get Ur Freak On.

She then shared the stage with Black Eyed Peas star will.i.am, starting with Where Is The Love before duetting on the band's more recent hit I Got A Feelin'.

Good news: Rebecca Ferguson and Matt Cardle react with relief after being given the news that they have made it to tomorrow's final showdown

We're through: One Direction hug mentor Simon Cowell as they are given the good news

Cher held it together and refrained from turning on the water works as she thanked everyone for their support over the course of the contest as she was given the news.

'Thank you to everybody that ever believed in me,' she said.

'My highlight is standing on this stage with will.i.am and I thank everyone who arranged that for me and to him.'

'Perfect collaboration': Cher took to the stage with Black Eyed Peas star will.i.am, performing I Gotta Feeling after kicking off solo with Where Is The Love

Cher has come in the bottom two twice and no act in the show's history has managed to clinch the X Factor crown after coming in this position during the contest.

However, despite her disappointment, the teenager is still on course to get a record contract.

Her mentor Cheryl Cole has described her as the 'future generation of music' while Simon Cowell is also a big fan.

Earlier in the week it was reported that the music mogul hasn't ruled out giving recording contracts to all the acts in the final four.

Take That: Robbie Williams joined One Direction on stage as they duetted on his song She's The One

The first act to be given the good news tonight that she was through to tomorrow's final was Rebecca Feguson, who reacted by saying: 'Oh my God,' and clasping her hand to her mouth.

One Direction were then put through, jumping in the air as they were given the all clear, shortly followed by Matt.

Cher shared the stage with Black Eyed Peas star will.i.am for her duet piece.

Described by mentor Cheryl as the 'perfect collaboration', the pair performed I Gotta Feelin after Cher kicked off with Where Is The Love.

Double act: Rebecca was joined on stage by American superstar Christina Aguilera, but became so overwhelmed she lost her lyrics at one point during their rendition of Beautiful

Raising eyebrows: Christina later performed a very sultry pre-watershed rendition of Express from her new film Burlesque

The duo jumped around the stage, which was lit up with a laser display, as they belted out the hit song together.

'That was possibly the best thing I've ever done in my life,' Cher said afterwards.

One Direction performed their second song of the night - She's The One - with Robbie Williams.

The Take That star made his way on to stage midway through the track, before giving all the members a high-five.

'Perfect collaboration': Cher took to the stage with Black Eyed Peas star will.i.am, performing I Gotta Feeling after kicking off solo with Where Is The Love

At the end the Robbie shouted: The lads, One Direction, phone in'

He said it felt 'really special' to perform with the guys 'at the start of their journey,' adding: 'I know exactly how it feels.'

He then joked with the lads, saying: 'Which one's the Robbie of the band.'

Rebecca Ferguson's star guest was Christina Aguilera, although she appeared to be overwhelmed by the superstar's onstage presence.

Going solo: Later on in the show Rihanna performed her new hit What's My Name, stripping down to a saucy bikini-inspired outfit

As Christina descended the staircase, Rebecca missed her cue and appeared a little shaky.

Afterwards she was equally lost for words, only managing to say: 'I'm made up' while a full-figured Christina commended Rebecca for being a 'unique talent'.

Later Christina performed the song Express from her new film Burlesque, which she is currently promoting across Europe, but raised temperatures as she cavorted around the stage in her lingerie and put on a provocative pre-watershed display with her army of scantily clad female dancers.

Matt Cardle's second song of the night was Rihanna's Unfaithful, where he was joined on stage by the diva herself.

Ready to be entertained: The X Factor judge emerge on to the stage, from left Dannii Minogue, Louis Walsh, Cheryl Cole and Simon Cowell

Dressed in their best: Cheryl looked stunning in an off-white dress with sequins while Dannii donned a deep red tiered number

After singing the first part solo, he was joined on stage by the hit RnB star as the stage was lit up in a blaze of flames.

They then took it in turns to sing a line each, with Rihanna wearing a full-length black dress with curly red hair as she performed some sultry dance moves up close next to an enamoured Matt.

Later she gave a solo rendition of her new song What's My Name, stripping down to a saucy bikini-inspired outfit.

Cher Lloyd got her swagger on, performing a mash-up of The Belle Stars Clapping Song and Missy Elliot Get Ur Freak On, complete with an army of backing dancers.

She's got swagger: Cher Lloyd performed a mash-up of The Belle Stars Clapping Song and Missy Elliot Get Ur Freak On

With the fans: Radio 1 DJ Scott Mills talks to Cher's former headteacher in her hometown of Malvern, Worcestershire

Cowell gave her high praise afterwards, telling her: 'Using one of Cheryl's expressions I'm going to say you smashed that.

'This is why I am happy we put you through. You are my favourite little brat with a heart of gold. My favourite performance of yours so far.'

Mentor Cheryl added: 'I saw something in you Cher the second you walked in that audition room. You are here in the final tonight no matter what controversy you've faced and I hope to see you smashing it again.'

Radio 1 DJ Scott Mills was getting mobbed by the crowds in Cher's hometown of Malvern in Worcestershire, where he spoke to the contestant's former headmaster and friends.

Heartthrobs: One Direction's first rendition was of Elton John's hit Your Song, seen here with host Dermot O'Leary

Mania: Corrie star Michelle Keegan was reporting live from One Direction star Louis Tomlinson's hometown of Doncaster in South Yorkshire

One Direction performed the Elton John hit Your Song, with fake snow falling at the end giving it a festive feel.

'I have thoroughly enjoyed you guys growing every week and I think you deserve to be standing on that stage tomorrow night,' Cheryl told them afterwards.

To deafening screams from the audience, Simon added: 'After hearing the first two performances tonight, Matt and Rebecca, my heart was sinking. They were so good.

'But you guys gave it a thousand per cent. I really hope people pick up their phone and vote for you.'

Corrie star Michelle Keegan was reporting live from band member Louis Tomlinson's hometown of Doncaster in South Yorkshire.

Emotional: Rebecca Ferguson performed Like A Star for her first offering of the night, which received huge cheers from the crowd and wowed the judges

However she appeared to get confused with her names, asking the crowd if they were proud of Liam Payne.

The outside broadcast ended with the actress getting lost from view amid the crowd.
Second to perform with her first offering of the night was Rebecca Ferguson with Like A Star by soul singer Corinne Bailey Rae.

The single mother of two, 24, received huge cheers from the audience afterwards and the judges were equally bowled over.

Heartfelt words: Judge Cheryl Cole became tearful as she told Rebecca: 'I respect you not just as a recording artist but as a woman'

Revving up the crowds: Fellow Liverpudlian and Cheryl's WAG pal Coleen Rooney was reporting live from crazy scenes in Rebecca's hometown of Liverpool

'You are an absolute beauty,' Dannii told her. 'This is the start of your confidence believing in yourself, you so deserve this.'

Cowell told her: 'You look absolutely beautiful tonight,' adding: 'Most importantly why I adore you is that you have one heck of recording voice and you are fantastic role model.'

Mentor Cheryl became tearful as she told Rebecca: I have so much respect for you not just as a recording artist but as a woman.'

Fellow Liverpudlian Coleen Rooney was reporting live from crazy scenes in Rebecca's hometown of Liverpool where she was revving up the crowd of supporters.

On form: Matt was the first of the final to perform, with a rendition of Dido's Here With Me where he played the guitar and was backed by a string orchestra

Matt Cardle was the first of the final four to perform, singing the Dido hit Here With Me. Beforehand video footage was shown of his emotional homecoming visit to Essex earlier in the week.

He was seen breaking down next to his tearful father, as mentor Dannii joined him in his parents' living room.

Still battling a sore throat, Cardle wowed with his efforts with Louis Walsh telling him: You are a very ordinary guy with a very extraordinary voice. You absolutely have to be in the final tomorrow night.'

Cowell added: 'You are still not feeling great but I have to tell you that was a fantastic song choice, right on the money.'

Mentor Dannii then chipped in: 'I just want to take this moment to say thank you for the hardwork you've put in over the last weeks. No one has worked harder.'

Former X Factor finalist and Queen of the Jungle Stacey Solomon was live with the crowds from Matt's hometown of Colchester.

Crazy scenes: Fans line the streets of Matt's hometown of Colchester in Essex where former X Factor finalist Stacey Solomon was presenting coverage - although she was not in shot during the entire outside broadcast

However the I'm A Celebrity winner was nowhere to be seen, with only her rambling voice being heard over manic scenes of cheering crowds.

The show kicked off with the final 16 contestants of this year's series taking to the stage, performing a group rendition of Eighties hit What A Feeling from the 1983 film Flashdance.

It included a rapping sequence from Cher Lloyd, as well as interludes from controversial contestants Wagner and Katie Waissel.

Earlier the four X Factor judges took their seats, ready to be entertained.

Cheryl Cole looked stunning in a floor length white dress while Danny Minogue played it sexy in a red fishtail gown.

Ensemble: The X Factor final 16 opened the show with a group performance of What A Feeling from the 1983 film Flashdance

Look who's back: Controversial contestant Katie Waissel and Aiden Grimshaw made a return to the stage for the group song


Put your clothes on - it's a family show! Viewers outraged at Christina Aguilera and Rihanna's racy X Factor performances

By Chris Johnson

Scroll down to see video of the performances...

Raising eyebrows: Christina Aguilera puts on a provocative display as performs Express from her new film Burlesque on the X Factor last night

It's one of the biggest TV events of the year, watched by around a third of the British population.

But as the X Factor final kicked off last night, the talent show was accused of straying somewhat from its family viewing credentials as Christina Aguilera and Rihanna put on two extremely provocative pre-watershed performances.

Aguilera wore an extremely low-cut black dress as she cavorted with an army of lingerie-clad dancers while Rihanna thrust her way through her solo performance in pants and strapless bra.

Pre-watershed: Rihanna also set temperatures racing as she stripped down to fishnets, pants and a strapless bra. The performances from the two singers prompted a flood of outraged viewers to take to Twitter

The superstars jetted in from the States to appear on the show, with Aguilera duetting with Rebecca Ferguson and Rihanna supporting Matt Cardle.

But it was as they took to the stage for their second respective performances of the night - before the 9pm watershed - that they raised eyebrows, leading to Twitter being flooded with comments from outraged viewers.

Christina's rendition of Express from her new film Burlesque caused the most upset, with viewer left shocked as she did the bump and grind with her female dancers.

Family viewing? Christina sang lyrics including 'show a little leg, shimmy your chest'

Inappropriate: Her backing dancer, dressed in stockings, suspenders and lingerie, thrust themselves against their chairs

'Is it me, or is anyone else shocked at the raunchy performance from Christina Aguilera, being shown before the watershed?' tweeted Sallywoodings‎.

LottieLovesEwe‎ was similarly taken aback:'Rihanna not so bad but Christina's was just wrong for 8.30 TV!! seriously inappropriate.'

Predicting scores of complaints another Twitter user, WhatsAboutTown, posted the message: 'OMG Christina Aguilera shocking..........how many complaints will ITV get about #xfactor tonight.'

The Sex Factor: Christina donned knee-high boots and a very low-cut black dress

Leaving little to the imagination: It didn't take long for Rihanna to whip off her black and white striped dressing gown and flash the flesh

Another, from x_tinamurhill‎, read: 'Rihanna and Christina's performance on #TheXFactor were very inappropriate in terms of clothing and dancing. It's a family show.'

Meanwhile dktom took to Twitter to accuse the two superstars of trying to out do each other with the raunch factor‎: 'I think Christina and Rihanna are trying to out-inappropriate each other. Crikey #xfactor brought me out in a sweat.'

Rihanna was performing her new hit What's My Name having earlier taken to the stage with Cardle to duet on her her Unfaithful number.

Double act: Rebecca was joined on stage by Aguilera earlier in the night as they performed a duet of Beautiful

Getting on like a house on fire: Rihanna and Matt performed her hit Unfaithful

Meanwhile Christina leant her support to Rebecca as they sang her hit Beautiful together.

The show was expected to receive around 21million viewers. After Cher Lloyd's exit tonight Matt, Rebecca and One Direction will battle it out in the grand finale tomorrow in a bid to win the X Factor crown.

ITV were unavailable for comment last night.


The Prince of Cuddles: The touching embrace that shows the love between William and Kate... and a refreshing departure from Royal protocol

By Laura Collins

Hands-on prince: Shunning the traditional Royal reserve, Prince William proudly holds Kate in a protective, loving and close embrace - to her obvious delight

If there were any lingering doubts over just what sort of a man Prince William is – or just how determined he is to do things his way – this is the picture that dispels them.

In contrast with previous generations of Royal husbands-to-be and with scant concern for traditional reserve, William wraps Kate Middleton protectively in his arms, cherished and embraced for all the world to see.

It is not so much a formal portrait as a remarkable public declaration of love to herald a new Royal age.

For much of their eight-year courtship they abided by a pact not to touch in public, conscious that their every move was subject to scrutiny and speculation.

Now, nearly a month after Prince William and Kate announced their engagement, we see them for the first time just as they wish to be seen: a young couple bursting with happiness and love; intimate and at ease and unlike any R Royal couple before.

And where his father Charles and uncle Andrew were both stiffly formal in official photographs with their fiancees, William is as easy, tactile and affectionate as the woman he is about to marry.

It is one of two very different portraits released today in which William and Kate reveal their acute awareness of the formal public role that they must play, while offering, with gentle insistence, a charming reminder that they are, at heart, a couple in love.

And in this striking departure from conventional Royal portraits, the less formal of the two is further evidence that William is determined that he and his bride will be the driving force behind this wedding – not Prince Charles and his staff at Clarence House, and not the Queen and her retinue at Buckingham Palace.

The official engagement photo¬graphs were taken by Mario Testino on November 25, nine days after the couple, both 28, made their announcement.

Traditional: Even in this more formal portrait, which was taken in the Council
Chamber at St James's Palace, William and Kate appear tactile and happy in their evident love for one another

According to Testino: ‘They are in their prime and brimming with happiness. I have never felt so much joy as when I see them together.’

Certainly joy and light suffuses the less formal of the pictures taken that day at St James’s Palace. William wears jeans and a beige cashmere jumper by Brunello Cucinelli. Kate snuggles into him in cream Whistles blouse and jeans.

The soft tones and flawless complexions may owe something to the photographer’s skilful lighting, but the sentiment is real enough.

Testino has been the photographer of choice for many significant Royal occasions. It was Testino to whom Prince Harry turned to mark his 20th and 21st birthdays, when he photographed the third in line to the throne laughing with his older brother and father.

But it is his portraits of Diana with which the Peruvian photographer will always be most closely associated, a fact of which both William and Kate would have been keenly aware. Yet again her son’s desire to include his late mother in his current happiness is clear and, set against all that beige and cream, the deep blue of her former engagement ring draws the eye.

For all the echoes of the past, this picture is all about William and Kate as they cuddle into each other in the Cornwall Room, part of the private quarters at St James’s Palace.

The more formal of William and Kate’s two portraits is notably crisper in style and shot in a setting steeped in history. Fittingly the Council Chamber in which William and Kate stand is one of the palace’s State apartments, designed by Sir Christopher Wren in 1703.

Portraits of William’s ancestors hang on the walls: William III, Mary II and Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel.

William is dressed in Turnbull & Asser suit, shirt and tie while Kate wears a cream Reiss dress and Links earrings.

Even here they are a couple at ease, naturally turning their bodies in towards each other while looking out at us; a thoroughly modern couple, aware of their past, but clearly determined to shape their own future.

What a contrast with the rest of the family

Official photographs of Royal engagements haven't always been so informal...

Defensive: Prince Charles crosses his arms, leaving Diana to hug him in their 1981 official engagement picture

Formal pose: Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson show little affection

Smiles: But with Sophie and Edward the bride-to-be seems more at ease

Stand firm: Formality was the watchword when the Queen and Prince Philip stood, ram-rod rigid, staring into the distance with little contact

Couple plan to take over 71-room hotel


William and Kate hope to take over a five-star hotel for their wedding weekend – at a cost of hundreds of thousands of pounds.

They are in talks to hire the Goring Hotel, which is 400 yards from Buckingham Palace, where their reception will be held after the wedding on Friday, April 29.

Kate is particularly keen for her family and the couple’s friends who are travelling to London to be somewhere close to the Palace.

The hotel has 71 bedrooms, 17 of which are ‘queen doubles’ costing £345-a-night. A suite costs £850-a-night.

The near £30 million cost of the wedding is being picked up by the Queen and Charles.

Kate’s parents, Michael and Carole Middleton, are giving £100,000 but much of this will go towards the bridal gown.

Sources say Kate was at the hotel two weeks ago, meeting its general manager, Graham Copeman, to discuss taking it over for the weekend.

Mr Copeman refused to comment yesterday but a source at the hotel said staff had been told to be available to work over the wedding weekend, including the bank holiday Friday.

‘They have been told they will be required to work around the clock and that the hotel is being locked down for the long weekend of the 29th,’ said the source.

St James’s Palace said that Kate is considering ‘a number of options for accommodation for her family but nothing is confirmed’.


Is he taking the Mickey? Justin Bieber dating TWO Disney starlets at the same time

By Sarah Fitzmaurice

Stud: At just 16-years-old Justin already has two beautiful girls on the go

He has no shortage of older female fans having been linked to Kim Kardashian and kissed by Katy Perry.

But it seems that Justin Bieber is as popular with stars his own age and he has bagged himself TWO stunning girlfriends.

The 16-year-old heartthrob is reportedly dating Disney stars Jasmine Villegas and Selena Gomez at the same time.

Double dating: Bieber with girlfriend no.1 Selena Gomez (left) and girlfriend no.2 Jasmine Villegas (right)

The pint-sized popstar was seen leaving a restaurant this week with former co-star 18-year-old Selena Gomez , the Sun reported.

The pair who starred in the Disney series Wizards of Waverly Place were seen cuddling over their pancakes at the IHOP restaurant in Philadelphia.

And young Bieber is not sticking to just one woman as it seems he is also seeing 17-year-old Jasmine Villegas too.

Admiring the view: Justin and Kim Kardashian are quick to pose together on the red carpet at the Jingle Ball

The That's So Raven star appeared on the video for Justin's smash hit Baby and the pair had a secret meeting in Atlanta late last month.

Bieber was spotted kissing the brunette beauty on her recent video shoot and in the back of a car back in September.

But it seems despite all parties denying any romance it seems both girls believe they are the old girl for the young Casanova.

Heartbreaker: The young Casanova performs to a screaming crowd in New York at the Jingle Ball

A source told the Sun:’Justin and Jasmine have been closer than they have let on for some time.

‘He turned up on her video shoot and they were kissing and cuddling. She refers to him as her boyfriend. She also went to Atlanta to visit him.

‘But Selena seems to think she's his girlfriend too.

‘She's been gushing about him to her friends - and they had this cute breakfast date in Philadelphia this week.

‘Justin could take his pick of the world's teenage girls - and he's loving it. Two older women on the go aged 16 is pretty impressive stuff.’

News of either hook-up will devastate millions of teenage girls around the world who have succumbed to Bieber fever.

And at the Radio Q102 Jingle Ball the singer made one lucky fan’s dreams come true.

The teenager proved to be the star of the night sending the crowd into a frenzy when he pulled a female audience member onto the stage and serenaded her.

The young philanderer treated the lucky lady to a huge bunch of multi-coloured roses and stroked her cheek as her performed.

Used to the attention of his screaming fans Justin also has also caught the eye of a number of celebrity starlets.

Despite her recent nuptials Katy Perry was quick to congratulate her favourite little man with a kiss after he became the youngest ever winner of the coveted Favourite Artist crown at the American Music Awards last month.

Hide the ring: Despite being married to Russell Brand, Katy looked happy to smooch up to Justin

She also puckered up for a smooch with the Biebster back in March when she tracked him down backstage at the Nickelodeon Teen Choice Awards.

Even curvy reality starlet Kim Kardashian cannot resist him and despite a 13-year age gap was quick to pose with him on the red carpet at the Jingle Ball.

After meeting him at the 2010 White House Correspondents' Dinner in Washington, D.C., cougar Kim tweeted: 'I officially have Bieber Fever!!!'

The Baby hitmaker returned the compliment by posting a picture on his Twitter page with the accompanying message: 'Look its my girlfriend Kim Kardashian.'


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