Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

Reminiscing the Past, Updating the Present and... Preparing the Thesis

Been chatting with old friend from elementary school. We talk a lot about our future, our holiday plan, our friends and even our dinner menu (yes, we're so silly like that). And how we're so brutally vandalized by our thesis and lecturers. It's scary to know how our universities kinda set to make our graduation process miserable and painful. Mine's not so bad though, maybe because it's a private university where lecturers' performance are monitored every semester? Or because it only has five faculties in 2011 (as of now, I don't really know), therefore the bureaucracy isn't so thick? I really envy my uni mates from the same batch who will graduate on this year's February 22nd, but when I think about it again, I feel grateful with the way it is. I don't like to rush things, and while I'm not a good planner, being a little behind at the moment isn't that bad, especially when I'm not completely idle either. I work as a Capital Market and Financial Control Intern in a toll road company, and although the division name's quite horrible in my ears (oh God, to be honest I really hate finance), I never handle the financial aspect of the task given. My primary job description, believe or not, involves my English skills. Yes, you read that right. I really want to share further details to you, but I fear that employment agreement that I've signed before working prevents me to do that. Sorry :(

Yet I'm also happy to know that the company warmly welcomes my intention to make a thesis based on their current projects. I have a freedom to ask for any supporting data as long as my user says okay. The irony is, I'm still uncertain about the thesis title that I should propose because the title really decides everything: thesis adviser, data that should've been collected, analysis method and even the examiner. Bad title choice will halt your graduation by placing you to fight your way through egoistical thesis advisers and terrifying bunch of examiners. It's kinda funny and fortunate though to have a lecturer that put much concerns of my thesis progress, because believe or not, when the topic of thesis is involved, it's almost official for the students to chase chase their lecturers for any inputs or outputs, not the other way around. Yet I'm hesitant to propose that lecturer as my thesis adviser; I've heard some nasty rumors about his credibility and I admit that it clouds my judgement. I plan to discuss this problem with my academic adviser on Monday and I really wish that the doubt will be erased on the same day.

Before ending this post, I want to share a funny story about a thesis adviser courtesy of my old friend that I've mentioned in the first paragraph (her thesis adviser to be exact). She said that her adviser always replies okay when she asks for some guidance time, yet at the promised time he'll act as if really busy with something and dismiss her rudely. He also forbids her to discuss the thesis in his house, giving excuse like 'My wife is a easily jealous, she'll get angry and throw a tantrum whenever a female student comes to my house even only for academic reasons.' That's just... strange, because my father is a lecturer at the same university that has been playing the role of thesis adviser for more than ten years, guiding hundreds of male and female students at our house, yet my mother never responds that way. She even prepare snacks and drinks for the students for God's sake! Let's hope that we won't face this kind of thesis adviser in the future, 'kay?

