Senin, 13 Februari 2012

Happy Birthday My Beloved Deme-Chan!!

Before today's February 13th ended, I'd like to say HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY to my beloved friend, Irdiena Izza Ell Milla. She's one of my old friend that has accompanied me for more than seven years (includes the junior high school time) and I hope that our friendship will last, and possibly, be even closer in the future.

Tributes to Irdiena, she's really gorgeous, right? ;)

I've known her since junior years, but we started getting close as best friends during high school years. We're bound by our mutual love of shonen anime and manga and also mutual friend, Alfi. It's a fortune that we were placed in the same class for three years, and although we go to different universities, we can meet up anytime easily since our universities are located in the same city! Isn't that nice? Sure, our friendship has its ups and downs, what's with our different personality and my *cough* selfish tendencies, but I dare to say that we're still as close as we were in the past.

Let's hang out again sometimes! Well, before we're buried alive by our thesis materials it is.

P.S.: Deme-chan is the nickname given to her during high school years; sign of our immaturity and innocence. Where does it come from? Psst, it's actually a vacuum cleaner's name in HunterxHunter!

