Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

I'm addicted to...

Credits to Meri? on Flickr

These songs:
1. Kelly Clarkson - Stronger (I can't help but singing along the reff part every time I listen to it ._.)
2. You Can't Escape Logic - May You Have Great Wisdom (the beautiful tune reminds me of my hometown)
3. B.A.P - Warrior (upbeat song, perfect for workout!)
4. The xx - Intro (Long Version) (this song tempts me to do a self-reflection)
5. Big Bang - Blue (been waiting for BB's comeback for a while and this song is a great 'doorway')

These Blogs:
1. Brown Platform (Anaz is sooo adorable and I love her style)
2. Jakartass (truly eases my sarcastic tendencies)
3. Hot Chocolate and Mint (who doesn't love this quirky fashion blogger-cum-entrepreneur?)
4. Sea of  Shoes (owning the shoes featured in her blog is my lifelong dream)
5. BenaBlog (If suddenly you find me laughing in the middle of work, you already know the cause)

These Sites (since I'm lazy to give any description, just access them directly by clicking on each item):
1. 9gag
2. Pastel Games
3. Flickr
4. Nyunyu

Basically my daily activities aside working are listening to my favorite songs, blogging and browsing. When I grow bored of doing the same routine (who doesn't need a special breakout after spending 8 hours to finish stressful tasks?), I'd resort to windows shopping or visiting local flea markets. Yeeeet It'll be unlikely that I'll spend time doing the special activities since I haven't received my internship payout and my partner in crime, Tia, is off to Palembang today. *insert tears here*

Anyway today I donate 350cc of my blood. It's my 4th time but either it's because I haven't had a proper breakfast before or something else entirely, after donating I started feeling dizzy and seeing black spots. Thank God I could maintain my consciousness by lying on a bed for a while. It'd be very embarrassing and awkward if suddenly I collapse on the way to workplace. I won't stop donating blood though for by doing so I can save people's lives and maintain my healthy *cough, chubby* figure. :D

