Senin, 30 Mei 2011

Day 144 - 145: Training


Day 144: Emailed Stan Kirsch Studios to inquire about their upcoming audition bootcamp held on Saturdays in June.

Day 145: Kristyn, the Operations Manager and wife of Stan Kirsch called me to give me all the particulars of the Audition Bootcamp. The class will be 5 hours long and will cover drama, comedy {single-cam and multi-cam} and on-camera. Since I'd already been given the greenlight from Stephen to enroll I told her to count me in. She suggested I do another consult with Stan prior to the class so that we could get reacquainted with each other since my original consult with him was over a year and a half ago so we've scheduled it for Wednesday. Now normally I wouldn't enroll in a class that I haven't audited since I've already made that mistake once before, but since I actually hired Stan to coach me on an audition a long time ago for Twinkie Byrd, I know that he speaks my language and I speak his. 

