Closer to Semarang: Semarang Cultural History

Semarang city is the capital of Central Java Province, which is adjacent to the north of the island of Java, Semarang city is geographically contiguous with Kendal in the west, Regency Ungaran in the south and east are Demak. Size Semarang city is only about 373.67 km. Inhabited by about 1.3 million people of diverse cultures and the uniqueness of each. Evolving some parts such as Java, a Chinese and Arabic, and has a fascinating culture that is a blend of cultures that formerly was the forerunner of Semarang. Referring to the building's history and the names of places in the city of Semarang, the culture at the time and developing like Islam, a Chinese, European and Java (native). Fourth blend of culture that have an important effect on the development of Semarang past. The rest of the culture is still standing strong buffeted modern culture that was around market Johar (Kali mberok).

Semarang long history notes that there are places that became the center of cultural civilization which still exist and some only memories (old building). The place is divided into 4 (four), namely: Kauman, Kampung Chinatown, Kampong Netherlands (Little Netherland), and Kampung Melayu. Kauman in the old days is an area of densely populated Java descent, is now also a lot of Arab descent. Chinatown village inhabited mostly by descendants of a Chinese and Dutch Village is an area of government and the small town which is now called the Old City of Semarang. While Kampung Melayu more Arab descent, and at this time the Java community more in the area of Malay kampung.

Previous article about the history of Kali Mberok, Old Town area and mosques in the Old City of Semarang noted that the four cultures fused and intertwined. Seeing the shape of Semarang city planning at the present time is actually still seems a little gathering of different cultures in Semarang. As the central point is the bridge mberok times, the Malay village located to the north contained Layur road and the Mosque Tower. While Litte Netherland located east of what is now the Old Town area and lined the Dutch government buildings to the west up to the roundabout Tugu Muda. While in the west times mberok an ethnic neighborhood of Java called Kauman. Tionghua more community gathered South now the Chinatown area.

Kauman or village are legendary are inhabited by the Java community are more likely to religious Muslims. The main distinctive feature is the large Pupils who is the center of Semarang past. The building is still standing is the Great Mosque Kauman Semarang. As a center of Islamic civilization, then Kauman very important role in the development of Semarang as it is today. Residents crowded into separate points for Javanese culture represented in Kauman. Actually, what is meant by Kauman? In a variety of literacy history of Java, Kauman often buried in the old towns that Islam breath. Not only in Semarang, Surakarta, Yogyakarta, Demak there is a place called Kauman. Because the first era, Kauman is typical of Javanese culture is closer to Islam. The main characteristic is the presence of Masjid Wali Kauman, roundabouts Square, the center of government and traditional markets. Although the formula is not necessarily the same.

The fourth main pillars that make special of Kauman. The mosque as a place of worship, Roundabout Square sebegai social and governmental advice, Traditional Market as the center of business and daily necessities, and the central government is a component of state regulators are translated into regulations (fatwa). Now, back to the area of Kauman Semarang, history writes that Kauman Semarang area appears when the kingdom of Demak Bintoro (NCO) stand which is the first Islamic kingdom in Java. Kauman name itself comes from the word sing secure (the = qoum = residence Muslims). So Kauman could mean shelter Islamic community safe.
When based Royal Demak Bintoro had stood firm, then to unite Demak with government bureaucracy surrounding areas need to be set, one of the figures who memengang important role is Ki Ageng Pandan Arang I. Ki Ageng Pandan Arang is the son of Panembahan Sabrang Lor (Second Sultan of the Sultanate of Demak), at the beginning of tripe region of Semarang actual target area around Pragota (now named Bergota). But then the days of growing, then Ki Ageng Pandan Arang then also spreading Islam and its territory until Pedamaran (now Pedamaran road in the area of Central Semarang and there Pedamaran Market - expand again into the market Yaik and Johar). The development not only to the economic hub, but also a religious center by building a mosque that is located on the west times mberok which is now called the Great Mosque Kauman Semarang

After Ki Ageng Pandan Arang I died, then the position of the government handed over to his son who bermana Mangkubumi (also called Ki Ageng Pandanaran II - Sunan Bayat). In 1695, the old town area of Semarang inhabited by diverse ethnic aimed at trade and territorial expansion. The expansion area was done by the people of Europe (Netherlands) who participated developed in the Old Town area. At that time, the Dutch build elite areas and offices are lined up from the roundabout to the roundabout Bubakan Tugu Muda. Then there are terms that divide the area into two gedongan for the elite area of the Indies and settlements for natives. Well, the township area is now known as the hometown of Chinatown, Malay and kauman (If you can say this is actually the old town area actually means).

Chinatown is a term for a Chinese society and their descendants who live berkemlompok into one region. At first people Tionghua housed in the Old City, in fact they live and reside in Little Netherland is located in Old Town area. However, in 1695 the Dutch government indirectly restrict public access Tionghua to finally move around the region Malay village. However, due to the economic and cultural value, people Tionghua more grown up around the south Kauman. The development of a Chinese society more and more, and then set up the area and the houses themselves are made with a tiled roof and high fences. Public houses first Tionghua be around Chinatown Lor and Wetan. Because it requires a high cost and the conditions are not easy to build a house, then when it's just people Tionghua rich who can build a house.

The road condition is not too wide as it is now, making people Tionghua create a mode of transportation by using horsepower called Be Too. Community Tionghua trade more activity coming from China (China), such as jewelry, silk, ceramics and others. Until now, the trade is still a lot of moves in the Chinatown area. For example jewelery and fabric department at Jalan Wahid Hasyim. Points that is the resurrection of a Chinese in Semarang is when the Dutch East Indies government began approaching people Tionghua successful. One of them lifts people Tionghua an official at the government offices Indies. Kwee Kiau Loo was the first to become an official Tionghua Indies

But it does not last long, when Semarang de yure handed over to the Dutch East Indies government controlled by the VOC (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie - United East India Company) by His Majesty Mataram then being of society Tionghua slightly to bergoyah. One of them by delivering high taxes on merchandise that is managed as if people Tionghua like wine and salt. Despite that, the tax imposed is precisely the high donations for the presence of Semarang in the past. In the field of trade, a Chinese person in Semarang has a major role because of their income goes to the government coffers from the Dutch East Indies and excise tax factors.
At that time, many people Tionghua who became head of the ship (syahbandar) because, export and import trade is done by sea port of Semarang. So there is a term that says there are many airports in the Chinatown area, until now the naming of the city can be found around the Chinatown area which is called Subandaran. Besides a role in revenue from duties and taxes, a Chinese person was also instrumental in establishing several small factories that could be a place other people's livelihoods.

Kampung Europe or Little Netherland is a term for areas inhabited by the Dutch people. The area is more commonly called the Old City of Semarang began to grow in 1741. In the beginning, the euro area is only in the form of an office building, a warehouse, but later developed into a center of culture and commerce with many hotels popping, elite housing and several other buildings. The fundamental characteristic of a European village is desian building with art deco architecture models. The buildings are still preserved as Lawang Sewu building is a former office building for the company Railways Indies or NIS (Nederlands-Indische Maatschappij Spoorweg). The Dutch who settled in Semarang Tinghua not as many people, but they menguasa all perdanganan access to government and making it easier to exchange culture.

Elite residential area is made such that (department Blenduk Church), making the access road as Deandels road and railway line connecting between Semarang - Surakarta - Jogjakarta and Ambarawa. The important role that could seemingly is the great railway transport which is the forerunner of the entire railway line in Indonesia. Because indeed, Trans Rail Semarang - Responsibility (Tanggungharjo, Grobogan, Central Java), created in 1867 the first railway line in Indonesia. In addition to building a means of transport, the Netherlands also make access more easily from city to city in central Java began from Semarang, although many indigenous people who become uncomfortable due to the existence of forced and compulsory labor planting.
Two (2) building that is now the icon of Semarang is a relic of Europeans of his day which is Lawang Sewu and Gerejo Blenduk. While stations and Polder Tawang is a facility designed to facilitate access to trading.

Malay Kampung Semarang is a village inhabited by ethnic Arabs and the majority of a Chinese person. These variables then makes of Malay. Currently Malay village can be seen in the surrounding streets Layur, where the street stands the old mosque called Masjid tower. Because there was indeed a tower that serves as a call to prayer. But this time the existence of Arabs and Tionghua on the road layur can be said almost nothing. The main thing that causes because of the flow of river water (rob) is not smooth. So easily happen tidal flood, make the streets become dirty so it looks rundown. The issue is that up to now the main problem Semarang government that there is no bright spots when it can be resolved.
As a simple overview of the Malay kampung is cultural diversity visible from the house. The building houses that are tailored to the peculiarities of such ethnic ornament Arabic calligraphy for the community. The rest of the building can be seen from the Malay kampung in Semarang is a mosque and temple tower that currently exist in the area of Chinatown.