Rabu, 12 Februari 2014

Liebster Blog Award

A fellow teacher and a friend Dumcho Wangdi (@ Dumcho's Notebook) has graciously nominated me for Liebster Award. It is an honor to be nominated. It's a wonderful feeling and gives me so much motivation. At the same time I am both humbled and truly grateful. Though my blog is relatively unknown someone thinks it might be worth reading. Thank you so much Dumcho Wangdi.

Let me say a few words about Damcho Wangdi.  Damcho is an active blogger. His passion for blogging comes from his passion for writing. This is evident from his profile description which says "A teacher who likes writing, a friend who likes expanding social circles, a boy who admires working on his dreams..." His posts are a mix of poems, opinions, experience, anecdotes, etc, all of which are very interesting. He is articulate and creative. There is every reason why people should visit his blog. I am glad that his joining the blogging community increases the number of teacher bloggers. Currently he is pursuing masters degree in Mahidol University, Thailand. I wish him all the best with blogging and his course.

He has asked me to answer the following three questions.

a) Write three things that you love being a blogger.
1. Although few and mostly ramblings, I love the satisfaction that each published post gives me.
2. I love the feeling of joy when someone comments on my posts.
3, On the thought of being able to put my thoughts into words.

b) Share 2 reasons why readers should read your posts
I don't know if there is anything worthy in mt blog to attract readers.
1. Readers should read my posts to see how an amateur is faring
2. Readers should read my posts to see if  'The Novice Pen' is heading right.
No big reasons.

c) Tell 1 thing that you always want to add into your blog.
I want to add a post on 'If our education system was....'

Initially I had little knowledge on Liebster award. But after reading about it on Google I knew that it is a great way to introduce a relatively unknown blog to the blogging community. It also helps to increase readership. I also knew that the nomination for the award must be continued from one to another like a chain. So, I nominate the following bloggers:

It is also customary that nominees answer a set of 11 questions. Here are the questions for my nominees:

1. Why did you start blogging?
2.Write one reason why you like teaching profession.
3. Tell one thing that you wish to change in the Bhutanese education system?
4. How do you relate the benefits of blogging to teaching?
5. Do you encourage your students to blog?
6. Your favorite movie.
7. Where is your favorite place in Bhutan?
8. Name one thing you cannot live without.
9. Describe yourself in one word.
10. Your favorite sport.  
11. Ngaja or Suja?

